Shopping part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this💕

Doug- "I'm going to sit in the front then with Christina"

~15 minutes later, At Target~

Doug- "Kam, do you want me to get out Bella's stroller and her carrier will snap into the base, or are we going to put her carrier on the basket, and what about Lexie"

Kamala- "we are going to put Bella's carseat in the basket, and I'm getting ready to put on the carrier on and then I'm going to put Lexie in that"

Christina- "I will get a basket for what you need"

Kamala- "thanks, I think we are ready to go in, let me unbuckle Lexie from her carseat, and put her in her carrier. "Lexie, you get to into your carrier that Momala wears, I know you like it"

Doug takes Bella's carseat out along with the diaper bag.

Christina- "Kamala, besides diapers and nursing pads, what else did you want to look at, I gotta get Bella a present, I feel bad that I didn't"

Doug- "Honey, I'm going to and get the diapers, and your pads, we can meet at Starbucks if you want or we can all go together, it's 11:00, what time are we meeting Addison, Mike and the kids, for lunch and where"

Kamala- "let's split up, you get what we need and I will go with Christina, we are meeting them at the hotel at 12, (whispers, we will need to go back to the hotel before lunch, I'm almost full"

Doug- "okay, how about we meet here in 15 minutes, love you, gives Kamala a kiss"

Kamala- "ok, sounds good" love you, Bella be good for Daddy, can I have the diaper bag, Lexie needs to get changed" she gives Doug a kiss.

Doug- "yes here it is"

Kamala- "thanks, Christina, I'm going to and change Lexie, my tummy is warm"

Christina- "I will come with you, then I know exactly what I want to get Bella"

Christina, Kamala, and Lexie go into the bathroom, so Lexie can get changed.

Kamala- "Christina, thank you, can you please get me the portable changing pad in the diaper bag"

Christina- "yes of course"

Kamala picks Lexie up from the carrier, and she puts her pacifier in that is clipped to her shirt, "you need to be changed, Momala's tummy is warm"

Kamala lays Lexie down on the portable changing pad which is on the changing table, and she changes her diaper, and cleans her and then puts a clean diaper on her and she snaps up her onesie, and then she puts her pants back on, and she puts the dirty diaper in the plastic diaper genie bag, and puts it on the counter while she puts Lexie back in the carrier that she's wearing" 

Carrier that Kamala is wearing

Kamala folds up the portable changing pad and puts it back in the diaper bag along with the wipes

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Kamala folds up the portable changing pad and puts it back in the diaper bag along with the wipes.

portable changing pad

Kamala washes her hands, and she puts the diaper in the trash, and they go out of the bathroom

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Kamala washes her hands, and she puts the diaper in the trash, and they go out of the bathroom. "Christina, thank you for coming with me"

Christina- "you're welcome, I was thinking of getting Bella the matching outfit I got Bella, at the Giants' store, and then last night I was talking to Addison and she said that they make baby headphones, she has a pair for Abby, when they went to Disney land, and it helped with her ears when they flew to LA"

Kamala- "I want to get some for Lexie and Bella, and I want to get Addison's two kids a present, what would they like, if Abby is like my niece Amara, she loves anything princess, or Minnie Mouse, or sesame street"

Christina- "she loves Minnie, Sesame Street, paw patrol"

Kamala- "let's get this toy, it will help her with her abc's, I'm going to get it for my niece as well, and and the crawling Minnie for my other niece Leela, she's crawling now"

Kamala looks down at Lexie and she's got her thumb in her mouth, and she's sound asleep"

Christina- "here's the headphones I was telling you about, hopefully they will help Lexie and Bella on the flight home"

Kamala- "thanks, are we ready to go"

Christina- "yes, we will go to the checkout now"

Kamala feels her shirt is wet, and Lexie is trying to Lexie to nurse while she's in the carrier, and when she doesn't have any luck she starts crying.

Kamala- "Lexie, I know your hungry, Momala's going to feed you, let's put in your pacifier right now"  Kamala puts in Lexie's pacifier, Lexie spits it out"

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