Lexie and Bella's 1st day of daycare part 10

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this 💕

Doug- "okay, I love you" he gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala- "I love you too" and she gives Doug a kiss

Kamala leaves and goes into daycare.

Doug lays Bella down on the portable changing table, and he takes off her pants, and unsnaps her onesie, he gives Bella a rattle to hold, he cleans her with the baby wipe, and puts on her clean diaper, and he snaps her onesie, and then he washes his hands with the baby wipes, and he puts the dirty diaper in the diaper genie, he puts Bella's pants back on, and he picks her up from the changing table, and goes to sit with her in the rocking chair. "Bella, I can tell your sleepy, your rubbing your eyes, and Lexie is already asleep with her thumb in her mouth"

Bella lays on Doug's shoulder, and she puts her thumb in her mouth. While Doug gently rocks her in the rocking chair.


Jill sees Kamala come into daycare. "Hey Kamala, where is Lexie and Bella"

Kamala- "Hey Jill, they are in my office, with Dougie.  Lexie is sound asleep in her pack n play, and Bella is getting her diaper changed, and then we are going to go home, I need a nap, Lexie and Bella both need naps, where do I sign them out"

Jill hands her the iPad used for check-ins and out. "I forgot to tell you to download the app that we use if you want, then you can see them, even though you are 3 doors away"

Kamala- "yes I want to, what's it called"

Jill- "bright wheels, and I'm going to send you the code to your email, and then that way you pay the same way or you can set up an auto pay"

Kamala- "I will set up the auto pay later, after my nap"

Jill- "okay, I sent you the link, also tell Doug to download it for his phone"

Kamala- "I will, and the name is so cute you picked for daycare, Nana's Building Blocks"

Jill- "thanks"

Kamala gives Jill back the iPad, Lexie and Bella are all signed out, I'm going and get their diaper bag, and then Dougie and I going to home and I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted"

Jill- "okay, well they both did very well today, when you and Doug went to work, Lexie and Bella made you something, it's in their cubby"

Kamala- "aww my babies first art work, I can't wait to see it"

Jill- "you can go in their cubby and it's in a folder"

Kamala goes into baby room # 1 and goes to their cubby. She sees a 2 folders, one that says Lexie Emhoff, and one that says Bella Emhoff, "Jill do the folders stay here in their cubby"

Jill- "those one don't, the clipboard in their cubby does, along with their diapers, and wipes that you need to bring to keep here"

Kamala- "okay, when they come next I will bring diapers and wipes for them, there's a box of them in my office, I will bring you a bag of them and a container of wipes"

Jill- "thanks, you look like your ready for a nap, did you look at their art work"?

Kamala yawns "I am as soon as we get home I'm going to bed and I know two little girls who are also going to bed, no I will look at it with Dougie after nap time"

Jill- "okay, Lexie and Bella did very good for their first day of daycare, they did have fun, and you did very well for their 1st day of daycare"

Kamala- "I'm happy they had fun, and thank you, my babies are growing up so fast, they need to slow down"

Jill- "I know as a mom it seems they are growing up so fast, but they will always need you and Doug, no matter how old they are, Lexie is really fast at rolling onto her side, I was sitting on the floor next to her, and she was on her back, and I turned to get her diaper bag for Julia she wanted to change her before I brought her to you, and she was rolling from her back to her side"

Kamala- "yes she learned a few days after Bella, and I love how they are trying to talk, but Dougie and I have no clue what they are saying"

Jill- "I know, baby babble is so adorable and we don't understand it, but Lexie knew what Bella was saying and Addison knew they was all laughing"

Kamala- "it is adorable, I'm going to go"

Kamala has the diaper bag and the folders with Lexie and Bella's artwork and she leaves daycare."

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