Talking with Meena

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 Kamala is 12 weeks

The following weeks there were some days when she felt better than on other days. Kamala also tried to still work as much as possible. But sometimes her pregnancy was really getting to her.

Kamala worked a half day at home, Meena is over at Kamala and Doug's and they are sitting on the couch in the family room.

Meena- "Auntie, Maya said she bought you preggie pop drops, how do you like them"

Kamala- "she did, I don't like lemon, and raspberry, I like the green apple, peppermint, and orange, they help while I'm working at home lately, I keep them in the office here at home, I haven't been to my 'real' office since I found out. I don't have any energy, I'm lucky if I work a couple of hours a day. That's where I have most of them, and the rest I have in the kitchen"

Meena- "I kept mine at work too, for when I needed them, other then that how are you feeling"

Kamala- "I'm exhausted, tender, I have to pee every 5 minutes I'm not getting sick as much now that I'm 12 weeks, I'm still sensitive to some foods, the smell of hot coffee still bothers me but I can have iced coffee and not get sick, so now every morning before work, Dougie makes me an iced coffee, once I get some energy I will go into the real office, right now I'm working either in our office, or on the couch"

Meena- "I was the same way when I was pregnant, I see a baby bump"

Kamala- "yes you do, when did you start wearing maternity clothes? I'm wearing Dougie's t-shirts right now and Dougie's shorts, they are more comfortable. My clothes are starting to get small, they fit, but I don't know for how much longer, I've gained 6 pounds already, it seems its all in my tummy and my chest at the moment"

Meena- "with Amara I started wearing them at 12 weeks, and Leela I was 14 weeks, by the time I was 20 weeks, I was wearing them all the time that's where mine went is in my tummy and in my chest I was all baby with both girls, and I gained 25 pounds each with Amara and Leela, would you like me to bring you some of my maternity clothes until you get some?

Kamala- "that would be awesome, thank you I will get some this weekend, right now when I'm home I'm wearing Dougie's T-shirts and my pj's sometimes I wear Dougie's shorts, my yoga pants, I'm going to have to go shopping soon, The best part about working from home, is I only have to have a work shirt on, when I have to be on zoom/FaceTime because no one sees below my waist, so I can wear my p j bottoms or shorts"

Meena- "you're welcome Auntie, what would you and Doug like for dinner, I will make it for you, you look like your ready for a nap, Old Navy has really cute maternity clothes and work clothes too that's where I got lots of mine from, and your right they don't"

Kamala- "I am, I want chicken tenders with angel hair, greek salad, and breadsticks, thanks maybe tomorrow depending on how I feel I will go and get or I may just order them online and pick them up in store"

Meena- "okay, Leela is sound asleep in the pack n play, I just put her down for her nap, Amara is watching Mickey Mouse Club House, why don't you go and take a nap, what time does Doug get home, if you want I can pick them up for you, I gotta go there tomorrow anyway I want to get Leela and Amara some summer outfits"

Kamala- "that would be awesome thanks I will order some after I get up from my nap. 5- 530, usually we get home around the same time, but today I couldn't stay awake, so I worked from home, I woke up about 8 and by 9:45 I was already ready for a nap, I took one until about 5 minutes before you called me to ask if you could come over"

Meena- "okay, its 3:30 now, I will go and start dinner, go and take a nap in your bed, I would say the couch, but Amara is napping there"

Kamala- "yes, tell Dougie, I went to take a nap if i'm not up before he gets home"

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