Meeting Christina part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug  4 her help with writing this

Christina- "let me take care of it, I have a suite at Oracle park, when your the team lawyer you get special perks, Kamala told me that you two own your law practice"

Doug- "thanks, it will be a surprise for her, and yes we do, it's called Emhoff Family Law, and we have 6 lawyers there and a daycare for the employees kids"

Christina- "is that where Lexie's going to go once Kamala goes back to work"

Doug- "yes she will"

15 minutes later...

Kamala yells from the bedroom "Dougie I need you"

Doug- "I'm coming"

Christina- "okay I will be here, I can't wait to meet Lexie"

Doug gets up and opens the bedroom door and he goes in and closes it half way.

Kamala- "Lexie needs to be burped and changed and so does Bella, then we will go out, after I change, I want to finish eating my pizza and salad"

Kamala gives Lexie to Doug to burp, while she burps Bella.

Doug puts the burp cloth on his shoulder and gently rubs Lexie's back and she burps a few minutes later.  "That was a good burp, now let's you changed so you can go and meet Momala's friend, and we can tell her what her surprise is, she tried to ask me what it was but I didn't tell her"

Kamala giggles "I knew she was going to try,  Maya texted me a few minutes ago saying that she got a text asking her what her surprise is and Maya said "ask my sister, I have no idea"

Doug- "that's sounds like Maya, did she text Meena too"

Kamala giggles "she did, and Meena said Ask Auntie, I have no idea"

Kamala has already burped Bella and is now changing her diaper, "Dougie, I need the rash cream"

Doug- "okay, here it is, Lexie's already changed"

Kamala whispers "Bella, are you ready to surprise Momala's friend"

Bella smiles and babbles

Lexie babbles when she hears Bella babble.

Doug puts both Lexie and Bella's diapers in the diaper genie and he goes and washes his hands with the baby wipes.

Kamala- "Let's go and surprise Christina"

Doug get up from the bed and opens the bedroom door, and him, Kamala, Lexie, and Bella walk into the living room, "Honey, can you please get their baby play mats and we will put them on the floor for them to play with, I have their blanket already on the floor."

Doug- "of course, I left them in the living room when I was unpacking"

Kamala, Doug, Lexie, and Bella come out the the bedroom

Kamala- "Christina, you know I had a baby, here they are"

Christina- "your holding two babies here you had twins???" why didn't you tell me on the phone, when I invited you to come?"

Kam- "I wanted to surprise you, Lexie and Bella are 2 and half months old"

Christina- "are they identical, I wanna hold one"

Kamala- "yes, they are, and Dougie give Bella to Christina to hold"

Christina- "I need details, did you know before they were born"

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now