Talk with Dougie

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this

Doug- "Honey, do you want me to start your bubble bath"

Kamala- "yes please, Lexie and Bella are sleeping, when they get up for the snack, we will change them into their pj's"

Doug- "okay"

Doug goes into the bathroom and starts Kamala's bubble bath, while she's getting out Lexie and Bella's pj's and her pj's.

Kamala- "Dougie, when Lexie and Bella get up next and after we change them, I want them to wear these pj's they are on the dresser"

Doug- "okay, when I'm done getting your bubble bath ready I will see them"

5 minutes later...

Doug comes into their room and Kamala's sitting on the bed watching the Giants game. Doug gives her a kiss, "your bubble bath is ready, I love you"

Kamala- "love you too, will you join me in the bubble bath, Lexie and Bella are sleeping, and I want a back rub"

Doug- "of course I will, I even put the travel baby monitors in the bathroom"

Kamala- "Dougie, you thought of everything, thank you, I was wondering if they got packed, I didn't bring ours from home, because I know hotel's wifi isn't that secure and our baby monitor is connected to our wifi at home, but it's secured so no-one can connect without our the password."

Doug- "I know, and that's why I asked my sister Julia what baby monitor we could bring with us, and she said she had an extra one so she brought it over before we left"

Kamala- "we will have to tell her thank you when we get back"

~5 minutes later~

Kamala and Doug are in the bubble bath, and Doug is rubbing Kamala's shoulders.  "That feels so good thank you" she gives Doug a kiss

Doug- "your welcome, I'm hoping you will be able to relax, I know you were worried about Lexie and Bella being on the plane, and in a hotel, I think they are doing very well, I was worried too"

Kamala- "I'm starting to relax now, thank you, what do you think of us going to Chili's tomorrow for lunch with Christina, Addison, and Mike"

Doug- "we can, we won't bring the stroller though, we can carry them in their car seats, when we go shopping, I did bring the base to Bella's stroller, I know she doesn't like the carrier that you or I wear, I did bring them"

Kamala- "thank you, your right, I don't know why Bella doesn't like it, Lexie loves being in her carrier that I wear, can we get out now I'm getting cold"

Doug- "of course, let me out first and wrap you up in your robe"

Kamala- "thanks" she gives Doug a kiss.

~15 minutes later~

Kamala and Doug are out of the bubble bath, she has on her pj's and Doug has on his boxers and they are in bed watching the Giants game.

Doug- "Honey, tomorrow for breakfast since they don't free breakfast here, I will go to Starbucks and get us breakfast and coffee"

Kamala- "thank you, I need my coffee in the morning, and after we go to lunch, and shopping, we will come back here, and get room service for dinner, I'm going to need a nap, and I know Lexie and Bella will"

Doug- "yes everyone will need a nap"

~Next Morning~ 7:15 am

Kamala and Doug are in bed, Doug's been up for 15 minutes, he is reading the paper on his iPad, when he hears Lexie babbling and he gets up and he looks and Kamala is still sound asleep.

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now