Meeting Grandparents

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I want to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this it means a lot and 💕
9:45 pm

Lexie- "Kamala's family can go and see her and the babies now, thank you for letting them have the 1st hour to bond with them."

Maya- "you're welcome"

Shamalya, Maya, Meena, Nik, Leela, Tony, Barb, Mike, all go into Kamala's room 

Doug- "Mom, Dad, Shamayla, Meena, Maya,Tony, Nick, and Leela I would like you all to meet  Isabella Grace, 5 pounds 8 ounces, 19 inches long, born at 8:15 pm, and Alexis Marie, 5 pounds 5 ounces 19 inches long, born at 8:40 pm  

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Doug- "Mom, Dad, Shamayla, Meena, Maya,Tony, Nick, and Leela I would like you all to meet  Isabella Grace, 5 pounds 8 ounces, 19 inches long, born at 8:15 pm, and Alexis Marie, 5 pounds 5 ounces 19 inches long, born at 8:40 pm  

Shamalya- "Kamala, they are adorable, and so little, they didn't seem this little a few hours ago, and here's a gift for you, I know how much you love chocolate, so while we were in the waiting room Maya and I went into the gift shop and got you a present"

Kamala- "thank you, and your right, would you like to hold Alexis, and Barb you can hold Isabella, and then after a few minutes switch, thank you Mommy, your right I do love chocolate, but I have to limit it because chocolate has caffeine in it and I can only have 2 cups of coffee, so I will save them for when I want them thank you"

Kamala- "thank you, and your right, would you like to hold Alexis, and Barb you can hold Isabella, and then after a few minutes switch, thank you Mommy, your right I do love chocolate, but I have to limit it because chocolate has caffeine in it an...

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Shamalya- "you're welcome" 

Barb- "I agree with Shamalya, they are adorable, and I would love to hold Isabella"

Kamala gives Shamalya Alexis to hold, and she gives Isabella to Barb to hold

Shamayla- "of course I would"

Kamala gives Alexis to her mom to hold "Dougie, get my phone and get a picture of my mommy holding Alexis"

Shamalya- "Hi Alexis, Grandma's waited a long time to hold you, you look just like your mommy when she was born, she was a little bit bigger then you are right now"

Kamala starts crying

Doug dries Kamala's tears "Shamalya, stand next to Kamala, so I can get both of your pictures"

Courtney comes in with Kamala's oatmeal and her prunes and Doug's fruit  "Kamala, do you want your oatmeal now or want me to put it on the table and you can have it when you want"

Kamala- "I will have it now, I'm hungry"

Courtney- "okay, let me bring the table for you"

Kamala- "thanks" Kamala eats her oatmeal

Shamalya- "Maya, I know you want to hold one of your nieces" Shamayla gives Alexis to Maya.

Maya- "of course I do, Hi Alexis, we have waited a long time for you"

5 minutes later

Barb- "Shamalya, here's Isabella"

Shamalya- "thank you, Isabella, your adorable, Grandma's waited a long time to hold you, Kamala how are you feeling?"

Kamala- "I'm sore, tender, everything hurts, exhausted, but also very happy"

Maya gives Alexis to Meena to hold "Alexis, your cousins are so excited to meet you, "Auntie, she's so cute, I remember when Leela and Amara were this tiny"

Tony takes a picture of Maya holding her niece Alexis, and he also takes a picture of Meena holding Alexis"

Shamayla "Maya go and stand next to Kamala and give her Alexis and you hold Isabella, so I can get a picture of my two girls, and my granddaughters"

Doug- "Shamalya, I will take the picture, then you get in the picture so there is one of all of you"

Shamalya- "okay"

Kamala- "our first family picture"

Alexis and Isabella yawn

Maya- "Doug, I know that you and Kamala are going to be the best parents, Kamala you look like your ready for a nap, I know you had a long and painful but very exciting day"

Kamala and Doug- "Thank you Maya"

Kamala- "I am ready for a nap, and some pain meds, I'm cramping"

Meena- "Auntie, do you want me to get Lexie or Christina and get you some pain meds, They said if you needed her to push the call button, which is right here"

Kamala thanks Meena

Christina comes in a minute later ... "Kamala you want some pain meds"?

Kamala- "yes please, I'm cramping, sore all over, and exhausted"

Christina- "okay, Dr. Grey said you can have either Tylenol or Advil, every 6 hours as needed, which would you like"

Kamala- "Advil please"

Christina- "okay, I will be right back with it"

Maya- "Doug, its your turn to hold your daughters" and Maya gives Alexis and Isabella to Doug to hold "go and stand next to Kamala, so we can get a picture of the four of you"

Alexis and Isabella then starts crying and and sucking on their hands

Christina comes back with a cup of water and some Advil for Kamala "Kamala, here's some Advil"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug- "I think Alexis and Isabella want their mommy" and Doug gives Alexis and Isabella back to Kamala to hold

Kamala- "I can't believe I'm actually a mom." Kamala broke down in tears as she held our daughters in her arms. I smiled watching our daughters eyes open as they stretch their arms out.

Meena- "Auntie, you're actually a Momala now, welcome to the club"

Kamala- "I am and it's the best feeling, Meena, when you had Amara and Leela were you cramping and everything hurts"

Meena- "yes, I was, you had two babies at once, I had them separately, but yes I was sore for awhile, until I started to heal"

Everyone got a chance to see baby as Kamala began resting up.

Shamalya- "we are all going to go and you try to get some much needed sleep, I will call you tomorrow to see how are you feeling, and I will come at lunch time to see you"

Kamala- "thanks Mommy, I'm going to try and get some sleep before Isabella and Alexis get hungry"

Kamala- "I love you Dougie.." She said looking tired as I held her hand and gave her a kiss on her forehead"

Doug- "I love you too honey, give me Alexis and Isabella, to hold while you try and get some sleep"

Kamala- "thanks Dougie, lay next to me and hold me"

Doug- "okay, I'm going to put Alexis and Isabella in their bassinets first, then I will lay next to you"

Kamala- "Dougie, put them in the same bassinet please, they are used to being next to each other, and Lexie actually recommends it"

Doug- "Okay of course Honey, I will"

Kamala- "thanks, this bed isn't comfortable, and your shoulder is more comfortable"

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now