1st day of daycare part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Bella smiles

Doug changes Bella's diaper, and he gets her dressed. "Bella's all dressed, and now it's Lexie's turn to get dressed.

Doug lays Bella under her baby play gym, and he picks Lexie up and he gets her dressed "Lexie today, you and Bella are going to daycare while Mommy and Daddy are working, you will have fun, you will see Jill, Auntie Julia"

Lexie babbles

Doug lays Lexie on the blanket and he unsnaps her pj's and takes her legs out, and he unsnaps her onesie and takes that one off and he puts on the one that Kamala asked him to, "Lexie we got our onesie on and now we gotta put on our pants, and Momala said you don't have to wear socks today because it's too warm"

Lexie giggles when Doug is tickling her toes

Kamala comes into the family room a few minutes later.

Kamala's wearing her grey striped tank, black leggings and her brown sandals

Kamala- "Dougie, I got their jackets, we don't need a jacket, today, but Lexie and Bella do, I don't want them to get cold"

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Kamala- "Dougie, I got their jackets, we don't need a jacket, today, but Lexie and Bella do, I don't want them to get cold"

Doug- "yes I'm ready, are you, and you look adorable, he gives Kamala a kiss"

Kamala- "yes I'm ready, can you please put Lexie and Bella in their carriers, and I have to pack our lunch, thank you, I have my sweater in my office if I get cold, I put extra nursing pads in the diaper bag, and I also asked Maya to put a box of them in my office, Kamala gives Doug a kiss"

Doug- "I have your purse, diaper bag, the carriers are in the car, when we came back from grandma and grandpa's  yesterday we picked them up and carried them inside"

Kamala- "oh yea I remember now, I have our lunch packed up in my bag"

Doug- "who do you want to carry out to the car, and who car are we taking"

Kamala- "yours"

Doug- "okay, Bella's all ready, you carry her, and I will carry Lexie"

Kamala- "okay"

Kamala picks Bella up from the floor where she was under her baby play gym "Babe did you put their pacifiers in their diaper bag with their clips for their shirts"

Doug- "I did, I even put their Winnie the Pooh shorts in their diaper bag incase they get too hot or if they spit up on their clothes, I know your worried about your first day back at work since Lexie and Bella were born, if you want to wait we can"

Kamala- "you're right I'm worried, I will always worry about them, my mommy still worries about me and Maya and we are both married"

Doug- "I worry about all my girls, I think all parents do, are you sure you want to go work today, I can work from our office here if you are not ready, I don't want you to be stressed out"

Kamala- "yes, I want to go but I don't want to, I'm worried I'm going leak thru my shirt, and that Lexie and Bella will cry the whole time"

Doug- "come here, it will be okay, I promise, this is something new for all of us, I know Jill or Julia will bring them to you when they are hungry"

Kamala- "I know, I'm worried that's all"

Doug- "I will be there too if you feel that you want to come home, we will"

Kamala- "thank you, I want to try, Lexie, are you ready to go to daycare and meet new friends"

Lexie smiles and babbles

Doug- "I think we are ready to go"

Kamala- "I think we are"

Kamala has Lexie in her arms and their lunch bag, Doug has the diaper bag and Kamala's purse.

Kamala opens the door to Doug's jeep and she puts her lunch bag on the floor, and she puts Lexie in her carseat and she buckles her in, Kamala puts her pacifier in her mouth, and Kamala closes the door, and she opens the door in the front seat and she buckles her seatbelt.

Doug opens the other door and he puts Bella in her carseat, and buckles her up and he puts the diaper bag and Kamala's purse on the seat next to Bella's carseat, he puts Bella's pacifier in her mouth.

Doug closes the door, and he gets into the driver's seat, and he buckles his seat belt. And he starts the jeep and they go to work.

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