chapter forty eight

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I chuckle and lift the baby up from her standing position against the rails of her crib and hold her in my arms.

"Good morning to you too, Han." I hold her with one arm and grab a fresh diaper and some clothes from her drawer to change her into.

"Mama," She looks around the room from over my shoulder.

"Sorry kid, she's not here." I press a kiss on her mop of short dark brown curls and lay her down on the changing table.

"She's on a run with aunt Tara, remember?"

"Eh!" She pops her lip out, pouting. She continues to look around the room best she can from her spot on the table as I change her.

Yesterday afternoon, Enid left with Tara to go on a run. It will last a couple days at most, but it still makes me weary. I know that she's strong, and that she's in good hands with Tara, but you never know what can happen out there.

"Am I really that bad?" I laugh, zipping up her fresh onesie. It was a mauve pink legless onesie with a small frilly skirt. I gave her little white socks and a little headband with a bow to match.

"Mmph," She reaches up to be picked up, making my smile grow.

I toss the old diaper away in the trash bin besides the table and pick her up in my arms.

"Guess you're stuck with me for the meantime." I squish her chunky little thigh, making her squeal and grin up at me.

"See? Your daddy can be fun." I smile down at her as we head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning," Jesus waves with his coffee cup free hand.

I look up from Hanna and nod at him. I go over to the dish rack and grab a clean bottle. I grab the open can of formula from the counter besides me and valence Hanna in one arm while I fill the bottle up with water and scoop the formula in.

"Baba!" She claps her little hands together in excitement upon seeing me shake the bottle for her.

A few days ago, she added 'baba' to her vocabulary. I'm really proud of my smart girl. She definitely gets that from her mother. I was never really anything special, I only started to thrive once the world became what it is now- ironic enough.

Everyone always goes on about how much Hanna looks like me, and I can tell that sometimes Enid feels hurt by it. She's told me that sometimes it's hard for her when people refer to our daughter as 'Carl Grimes' daughter, and not 'Enid Rhee and Carl Grimes' daughter.

It hurts me that she feels that way, especially when I see so many similarities between the two of them.

Hanna is incredibly smart, compassionate, and beautiful like her mother. I see a mini version of Enid every time that I look at our daughter. She may look like me, but she's practically Enid's clone when it comes to personality and mentality. I can only imagine how amazing of a person she will be when she's older, and I couldn't be prouder to think about it.

"Yeah, baba." I smile, handing it over to her.

She greedily takes it from me and starts drinking it, making Jesus laugh from the table.

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