chapter 35

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I wake up to the sound of crying. I carefully climb out of bed, making sure to not wake Carl, and tiptoeing out of the room to next door. I open the door and the wails get louder instantly.

"Shhh, it's okay baby! Mommy's here. You're okay Hanna. What's wrong baby?" I go over to the crib. She pauses her wailing to look at me with red teary eyes and her rosy lips were parted. Her whole face was red, and when I reached down to pick her up, her face was warm from all the crying.

"Ohh baby, what's wrong?" I rock side to side with her in my arms, trying to soothe her. Her cries start to die down and she starts to sniffle, leaning her head against my chest and gripped my hair and shirt in her tiny hands.

"Did you just miss your Mommy? Is that the case?" I start to rub the back of her head, rubbing my fingers through her soft, short hair.

"It's okay Han, i'm right here." She ticks her little face away in my breasts making me chuckle. Before i'd fallen asleep, I changed into a black tank top that exposed a bit of my breasts, and a pair of Carl's gray sweatpants.

"My sweet girl," I whisper to her, still rocking her in my arms. I hear the door quietly creak open, and footsteps coming towards me, but ignore it when I feel arms wrapped around my waist, and a head leaning into the crook of my neck.

"Is she okay?" Carl's groggy voice asks. I smile and nod, looking down at our daughter in my arms. She was now looking up at me with her big blue eyes.

"She just missed her Mommy's all." I can feel him smile against my neck.

"She surprisingly slept a while." I glance towards the window and see the sun starting to come up. He's right. We put her down around six o'clock last night, and i'd guess it was close to six now. She'd slept almost twelve hours.

"She really is a good baby." He chuckles, nodding.

"Let's go make her a bottle, and lay back down. We can bring her into our room with us for a couple more hours." I nod and let him guide me down the stairs.

The stairs quietly creaked under our footsteps in the silent house. We made our way to the kitchen, and I sit down in one of the chairs by the table while Carl prepares a bottle for Hanna. I readjust her in my arms so that she was laying on her back and looking up at me. I smile down at her, making her smile back in return.

"Ah!" She chirps, making me laugh a bit. My sweet girl.

"Here, it shouldn't be too warm," Carl hands me the warm bottle of formula. I smile, taking the bottle and holding up to her little mouth. She gladly takes it, sucking on the tip. She held onto the brim of my shirt with one hand, and onto the bottle besides my hand with the other.

I look up at Carl, returning a smile, and start to head back upstairs to our room. He closes the door behind us and helps be down onto the bed besides him, to not disturb the baby. Her eyes started to get droopy as she sucked on the bottle, but she refused to fall back asleep, still staring at me.

"I don't know, she seems more like a mama's girl to me." Carl smiles at me. I feel myself starting to grin and look up at him.

"Aww, no need to get jealous now Cowboy! She just loves both of her parents." I go to prove myself by handing her off to him. He carefully shifts her in his arms to the way that I was previously holding he and looks down at her nervously. He shakes his head in an attempt to cover his bare eye with his hair, but it doesn't work.

Hanna looks up at him with furrowed brows and pulls away from her bottle.

I can see his face soften, looking visibly upset. He tries to shake it off and smile softly at her but she starts to whine cry.

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