chapter 16

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I was sitting in my old bedroom, reading a comic as I waited for my sister and girlfriend to return when I heard a cluster of footsteps outside the door.

"Carl wanna see the drawing I made for you!" Judith comes barging in and jumps on the bed besides me, a huge grin on her face.
Enid stood in the doorway, smiling at us softly.

"Of course Judy! Let's see it! I held it in my hands and scanned over the picture while her small little finger pointed out who each slightly more detailed stick figure was.

" That's Daddy," She pointed to the tallest figure with a. gray beard.

"Mommy," She pointed to the darker drawing with what looked like a sword and chunky braids.

"Me," The smallest figure in the middle with a little silver necklace and curly light brown hair.

"You," The second tallest figure with a cowboys hat.

"Enid," The figure with long brown hair, green eyes, and what looked like a colored in circle on the shirt.

"And the baby in Enid's belly!" She grins excitedly, pointing to the circle.

My heart almost skips a beat. I look up with a completely shocked face to my girlfriend for verification.

She smiles and nods her head, rubbing her hand softly over her stomach. My face drops and I immediately start grinning like a fucking idiot and hop off the bed, running over to Enid. and picking her up in a tight embrace. Bs slaughter and hugged back, Judith giggling at us from the bed.

"Holy shit! I'm gonna be a dad! We're finally pregnant! We're gonna have a baby!" I cheered excitedly into her neck. This was the single most best day of my life so far. 

"When did you find out?!" I carefully place her down and grab the back of her head, looking her in her gorgeous eyes.

"Yesterday before dinner. I wanted to wait for Judy to tell you. Make it special you know?" She smiles down at her stomach.

I crouch down onto my knees so I was eye level with her stomach, and place my hands on either sides of her waist.

"Hi little baby, in your daddy. I can't wait to meet you!" I whisper softly to her flat stomach. She smiles at me, resting  one hand on the bottom of her stomach, and the other on the back of my head under my hat.

"It cant hear you silly! It's still too little!" Judith giggles at my from the bed.

"Judy, come here." I smile at my baby sister, reaching an arm out to her. She climbs off of the bed and walks over to us, standing besides me.

"Your niece or nephew is in there. You're right, he or she is still too small to hear us, but it's good to talk to them- even when they're small. You know, when mom was pregnant with you, Dad and I talked to you all the time." I smile after seeing her face light up. She turned to Enid's stomach and leaned in close.

"Hi baby! I'm Judy! I will be your best friend when you're born!" She says, raising her voice a little in hopes that the baby would hear her, causing my heart to melt.

I can't believe that this is happening! I look up at Enid and smile at her. Tears were starting to form in her beautiful eyes, and she goes to cover them, hoping to prevent it. I stand up, pulling her head to my chest softly.

"Shhhh. It's okay!" I whisper in her ear, rubbing her back and holding her head close.

"Sorry! I'm just really happy! Hormones!" She giggles, sniffling a bit.

"What's hermones?" Judith tilts her head to the side, looking up at us, causing us to chuckle.

"Hormones. It just means that the baby is making Enid really sensitive." I ruffle my baby sister's hair.

"Ohhhh! So you're really happy?" She turns to Enid.

"Yeah Judy, I'm happy!" She gently caresses my sister's chubby cheek, Judith leaning into her touch with a smile.

"Can we tell Mommy and Daddy now?" She looks up at us with big brown eyes and a dimpled smile.

"Yes we can. Let's go tell them!" Enid pulls away, wiping her tears.

Judith leads us downstairs and to the front porch where all the adults were sitting and talking, pausing their conversation when they saw us emerge from the house.

"Guess what?!" Judith calls out excitedly, looking around the circle.

"What's up Judy?" Michonne smiles at her daughter, the other chuckling at the little girl.

"Enid has a baby in her belly!" She cheers, putting a hand on Enid's stomach. Everyone has shocked and excited looks on their faces, Tara even gasping.

"Wait really?!" She gets up from her seat on the porch and walks over to us, her gaze stuck on Enid's stomach.

"Yep! I just found out!" I grin, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"Look at you! So grown!" Daryl cheers, causing everyone to chuckle.

"Didn't think you'd learn that quickly!" Jesus burst out laughing, causing Carl and I to blush.

"How far along are you?" Dad ignores Jesus, asking with a smile.

"A little over two weeks." Enid smiles down at her stomach, rubbing it with her hand.

"I already can't wait for her to be born!" Rosita grins.

"Her? It is too early to tell the gender." Eugene raises an eyebrow.

"I can just tell." Rosita rolls her eyes, causing us all to laugh.

I'm so glad that I get to spend this moment with my family. I can't wait to tell Carol and Ezekiel! Carol is basically my aunt, and she's been with me since the begging. I feel proud to get the chance to tel her that i'm gonna be a father.

"I know it's early, but have there been any weird side effects? I know when I was pregnant, I had a lot of weird cravings and mood changes. I was told that I was 'difficult to manage'" Michonne smiles fondly at the memory.

"Not too much. I've been a little emotional, and i've had a couple weird cravings- usually foods that Carl likes, but no morning sickness yet." Enid answers chuckling. Ohhhh! It all makes sense now!

"I knew it was weird when you ate three bowls of spicy ramen yesterday!" Jesus chuckled.

"Yeah, Enid hates spicy ramen." Tara shrugs causing me to chuckle.

"How does everyone know that?!" Enid suddenly shouts, causing everyone to laugh at her.

"Remember the last time we came to Hilltop? It was the day after Jesus brought home that giant supply of it and Maggie made it for dinner. You almost puked it all up!" Daryl chuckles, causing Enid's face to turn red in embarrassment. She looks away, hiding her face in my chest.

She is the cutest person ever! If her hormones are simple things like this, than I wouldn't mind doing it for another nine months.

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