chapter 31

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We had breakfast and are now walking back upstairs. It takes about five minutes to get up all of the stairs, because stairs are particularly hard for Enid. Going down isn't as bad, it's more going up the stairs which take the longest and is the most draining for her. I hold her hand or walk behind her, guiding her up with my hands on her waist, just to be sure that she doesn't fall and that she has some type of support.

We decided to tell everyone about the engagement at dinner tonight. Enid is super excited to tell everyone, but wanted to do it at a time where everyone would be there. It's not very common for everyone to eat breakfast or lunch all at the same time since everyone's working throughout the day, but we usually make sure to eat dinner together.

We finally reach the top of the stairs and I step in front of her, guiding her past our room to the room besides it, a smile on my face. She looks at me confused.

"What are you doing?" She really is adorable. I step aside and gesture for her to open the door without saying anything. Her brows furrowed and she does as told, opening the door. She gasps when she walks in and looks around.

"Carl!" I laugh and lean against the doorway watching her. She walks around the room, picking things up and looking around.

"When did you do this?" She turns back to face me with a huge grin on her face.

"Whenever I've had extra time between work and when you're busy." I shrug. She walks over to me and pulls me in for a hug. I think it's funny when she hugs me because her big belly gets in the way, making us stay at a weird distance away from each other.

"Thank you. You really are amazing. What did I do to deserve you?" I chuckle and kiss the top of her head.

"You're very welcome- though, it's more like what did I do to deserve you. I still don't know how I managed to actually get you to stop hating me, and to love me." She giggles and shakes her head.

"But really, thank you." I nod and crouch down on the floor in front of her and pull her shirt up.

"You hear that? Your mommy does love me sometimes." She laughs and starts to rub the back of my hair. I lean forward and kiss the center of her belly and just sit there rubbing it soothingly, pressing kisses all over.

I eventually stand up and pull her closer to me, her stomach against mine. He'd shirt was still rolled up, but I ignored it and stuck my hands in her back pockets on her jeans, leaning in and kissing her lips.

She places her hands on my cheek and my neck, kissing back. I press my lips a little harder on her lips, deepening the kiss, and start sucking on her top lip. She gasps and pulls away with her brows furrowed. Her cheeks are pink and her lips are pressed together in a straight line. I recognized that face as one she makes when I set her off and make her horny, but she doesn't wanna admit it.

"What's wrong baby?" I hold back a chuckle, pulling her back in closer to me by my hands in her pockets, squeezing her butt a little. Her eyes narrow at me slightly and she looks away.

"Not funny," Aww my poor baby!

I lift her face up to look at me.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to make it better?" She thinks for a minute and nods. I smile, grabbing her hand and guiding us to our room next door and helping her onto the bed.

I kiss her soft lips and start to trail down her jaw to the sensitive spot on her neck just below her ear, making her moan. I continue sucking and gnawing at the spot, leaving a mark before pulling away and removing both of our shirts. She was wearing a dark green sports bra and her black jeans. I start to trail kisses down her belly lovingly, reaching her pants and slowly pulling them off. I continue to kiss down her legs, making sure to mark up her thighs.

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