chapter 29

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I groggily wake up to the sun on my face and a nice breeze coming in through the window next to us. I look down at Enid in front of me and smile.

She was sleeping on her side, facing away from me, cuddled into my arms that were wrapped around her. The sun was beating down on her face and she looked so at peace. She's really adorable, especially curled up in the blankets the way she was. You could still see her big belly from under the covers.

I gently move her braid out of her face, fucking it behind her shoulder. I lean down and kiss the top of her head, not cuddling her closer to me.

Her eyes star to slowly flutter open and she turns around in my arms, smiling at me.

"Morning." Her groggy voice was even more adorable. My heart can't take this!

"Good morning Enid. Did you sleep well?" She nods and tucks her head into my chest.

"Do you know what we're doing today?" She mumbled into my grey t-shirt.

"Judith should be coming to get us any time now. I have no idea what she has planned though." I chucked at the thought of my little sister bossing us around all day.

"Mhmm, sounds like a plan." She moves back and rubs her eyes. When she pulls her hand away from her face, she just stares into my eyes, a soft smile on her face. I obviously have to return the action.

"You're so cute when you sleep. You look so peaceful." My voice was groggy as well.

"I could say the same about you. It's funny when you sleep with your mouth open and drool a little." She chuckles and I groan.

"I did not have to know that." I look back at her and smile.

We continue staring at each other peacefully gif another minute before there's a soft knocking on the door. The door cracks open and Judith pops her little head in, checking to see if we're awake.

"Good morning!" She grins when we turn to face her, returning the favor.

"Morning Judy. Come here!" Enid smiles and lifts the blanket up.

Judith gladly accepts the invitation and climbs in between the both of us, cuddling up to Enid and facing away from me. She rested her head on Enid's chest, using her breasts as a pillow, making Enid chuckle. She rubs the back of Judith's head, gently running her fingers through the light brown abs honey curls.

I love them both so much. I wish we could just be like the forever. Actually, that gives me an idea. I climb out of the bed and walk towards the my backpack on the ground in the corner of the room. I dig around and pull out a polaroid camera and a package of film, before walking back over to the bed and crawling in.

"Look what I found a few days ago." I smirk, holding up the camera for the two girls to see. Enid gets excited, but Judith just looks confused.

"What's that?" She turns around in Enid's arms to face me.

"It's a camera. They were used to take pictures." I turn it on and point it at them. Enid smiles and Judith just looks at me expectantly, while I snap a photo of them.

The picture slowly came out from the bottom of the camera and I start to shake it. Judith, recovering from the sudden flash, looked at me even more confused, make me and Enid laugh.

You have to shake the picture after you take it so it develops. I hand her the developed photo and she grins.

"Can we take more?!" She suddenly shouts.

"Sure. Is that what you want to do today?" She nods and looks to Enid.

"We can get Hersey, Henry, and Tara too!" She is beyond excited.

"That's a good idea Jud! Let's get dressed and go get them." Judith nods and quickly climbs out of the bed and runs to her room to get changed, the photo still tight in her grip.

"I love your sister. She's adorable." Enid sits up, and giggles.

"She really is." I agree and help her out of bed.

I get dressed in my usual clothes. A dark grey t-shirt, an oversized flannel, and some worn jeans. Oh, and obviously my hat. I notice that Enid is struggling with picking out what to wear. I want besides her, looking at her dog through the dresser.

"I'm still growing out of my clothes. Even some of yours." She doesn't look up, but continues to digs.

"How about this?" I hold up one of her dresses. It was black with beige and green stripes.

"I only wear that in the house." She sighs, pulling her hands out of the drawer. I have to be careful about what I say. I don't want to make her upset.

"Yeah, but it makes you comfortable, and you like it." She doesn't say anything, but reluctantly takes it out of my hands.

"I promise that i'll be with you all day. Nothing will happen to you Enid." She finally looks up at me and stares into my eyes for a minute before nodding.

She walks over to the side of the bed and takes the loose t-shirt that I gave her off. I see her big, perfect, swollen belly and smile. She's so beautiful.

I grab a pair of socks from the drawer, and grab her boots, walking over to her. She pulls the dress down over her belly, and sits down on the bed. I crouch down and prop myself up on my knee. I put on her socks and boots, making sure to tie them twice how she likes it. I stand back up and reach an arm out, helping her up off the bed.

She looks into the small mirrors on our dresser and takes out her braids, combing her fingers through to separate the waves.

"Enid! Do you like my clothes?" Judith comes skipping back in, a grin on her face. She stood in front of us with her hands behind her back to show off her little outfit.

She was wearing a cream colored shirt that had lace over it and puffy sleeves. She also had on a pair of jean shorts with the same lace on it on the edges, and her boots.

"Oh my hid Judith! You look so pretty!" Enid gasps and grins at the girl.

Judith let's put a flustered giggle and turns her head to hide her face.

"Are you ready to go get everyone?" Judith nods and Enid grabs her hand, leading the two downstairs. I chuckle to myself when I see Judith making sure to walk slowly so she doesn't out walk Enid.

"Good morning!" Judith cheers when we walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Jud!" Tara and the others greet when we walk in.

"Come have some breakfast." Carol gestures to the empty seats across from her to us. We nod and I hep
Enid take her seat, before sitting down next to her. I grabbed her hand from her lap, and intwined our fingers together, bringing her hand up to my lips and kissing it. She smiles at me, which I gladly return, and I place both of our locked hands in her lap.

Enid makes her plate of food and starts to eat. She starts to rub her thumb over the back of my hand soothingly, not seeming to notice that she was even doing, making me smile.

"After breakfast do you all want to go outside and take pictures? Carl found a camera!" Judith grins after swallowing a mouthful of fruit.

"I think that sounds marvelous! What do you think Henry?" Henry shyly smiles and nods.

"Sounds like a plan." Carol smiles.

"That sounds like fun, but unfortunately i've got some work to do. I may be able to sneak out for an hour or two after lunch though." Maggie's brows furrowed.

"Yeah! That's okay, you can come with us whenever you can Maggie! Are you gonna come too Hershey? And you too Jesus?" Judith finishes up the fruit on her plate.

"Yeah!" Hershel grins after popping a strawberry into his mouth.


"Forget him- i'm totally down Jud!" Tara cuts him off.

"...As I was saying, sure, sounds fun!" Jesus rolls his eyes making everyone laugh.

Todays gonna be a good day.

𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑇𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑀𝑒 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒 | 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑑 (𝑇𝑊𝐷)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora