chapter forty six

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"It looks like it's about to rain any minute now." Maggie looks up at the gray cloudy skies with her hands on her hips. Michonne looks up and nods.

"Hopefully they get back before then." We all nod in agreement.

We are all currently outside waiting by the gates for the guys to return. Rick radioed Michonne and said that they are almost back, so the three of us are standing here waiting their return.

I look down at the curious baby in my arms. She's looking up at the sky with her hand in her mouth and eyes narrowed from the overcast.

"Rain? Is it gonna rain Han?" She looks into my eyes with a soft smile, even though she has no clue as to what i'm taking about.

"She like the rain?" Michonne asks, looking over with a smile. I look up at her and nod.

"It makes her really calm for some reason. She likes to watch the raindrops on the window, and it helps her fall asleep." I look down to my baby and take her hand out of her mouth, replacing it with a pacifier.

"She does not like storms though, so hopefully it's just rain. I don't think we'll be lucky though." Maggie adds, looking up at the sky again and then back at the baby in my arms. I start to feel a couple of drops of rain on my head and shoulders, and cover Hanna's head with my hand. Hopefully they get back before it picks up.

"That's how Judith used to be, but she grew out of it." Michonne explains. "She loves the rain, but the second she saw lightning or heard thunder- it was over." She chuckles. I smile at the thought of Judith as a baby being happy as could be, only for her mood to suddenly change at the drop of a hat.

"They're back!" Gabriel shouts from the watch tower. Maggie turns and tries to pull the gate open. Her face scrunches up when she tries to pull the gate open, but it appears to be stuck.

"What the hell?" She thinks aloud. Michonne runs over to help her, but it still doesn't open. The rain soon starts to come down hard, drenching us all. The loud sound of the water hitting the ground masked over Maggie and Michonne's groaning.

"It's stuck!" Michonne yells. After the war with the saviors and the gate had been broken, it hasn't been the same. We weren't able to fully repairs it so it always gets stuck, and now happens to be a really shitty time for it to be stuck.

I look down and see Hanna's face drop while I hold her closer to my chest and try my best to quickly cover her from the rain with my flannel.

"Waaa!" Hanna starts crying loudy. The water quickly seeps through, drenching her anyways, and the rain dripping off of my face and hair onto her isn't helping.

The wind starts to pick up, the rain making our bodies colder. Hanna is shivering in my arms, sobbing hysterically, and all I can do it bounce her in my arms to try to warm her up a bit.

"Shhh, it's okay Hanna, it's okay! We're okay, just hang on a minute longer baby!" I try my best to sooth her, but fail.

"Ugh!" Maggie grunts, pulling as hard as she can. Gabriel runs over from the tower, standing next to Michonne and pulling on the gate. With one last tug, the gate finally flies open and the car is able to drive through the gate. They pull the gate shut and we turn to the car to see Daryl, Rick, Aaron, and Carl getting out and running over to us.

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