chapter 20

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We were currently in the car, almost to Alexandria. Jesus was driving with Maggie in the passenger seat, Enid behind her with the window down for her morning sickness, Hershel strapped in between the two of us, sitting on a pillow.

We approached the gate to Alexandria and Aaron noticed us from on top of the gate, smiling and calling down to Eugene to let us in. Jesus pulls in, Eugene shutting the gate behind us. We hop out of the car and are immediately warmly welcomed.

"Hey, what are you doin here birthday boy?" Dad smiles, walking over and hugging Enid and then me, ruffling up my hair.

"Enid suggested we take a visit. We've been long over due." I smile. Michonne, Daryl, Tara, Gabriel, Aaron, Gracie, Judith and the other come running over to greet us with smiles on their faces.

"We we're gonna come to Hilltop later to surprise you! Now we don't have to!" Judith grins, running up to me, jumping in my arms.

I chuckle, picking up the six year old and walking over to Enid so Judith can say hi.

Gracie runs over to Jesus and little Hershel, Michonne and the others greeting me in side hugs and wishing me a happy birthday.

"Oh my god, Enid! The baby is starting to show! What are you- three months by now?" Michonne gasps, a huge grin on her face.

"Yep! Almost four!" Judith reaches to be put down, so I set her down on her feet and she skips over to Enid, pushing her curls out of her face, and giving Enid a huge hug.

"Hi baby!" Judy puts her chubby pink cheek against Enid's belly, Enid rubbing Judy's curls.

"How long are you staying?" Aaron asks from under Jesus's arm wrapped around him.

"We planned for the day, but we can stay the night if y'all would have us," Maggie smiles, the kids cheering.

"Yeah, of course. You guys can stay in your old house and you two can stay in Carl's old room." My dad says and we nod in agreement, heading towards the house.

We spend the next few hours sitting in the living room, laughing, telling stories, and just catching up. Enid was sitting in my lap, my arms around her stomach, and Judith and the other kids sitting on the carpet in front of us playing.

"How's Negan? Any trouble so far?" Jesus suddenly asks.

Well that perked everyone's attention!

"No, just snarky comments." Daryl scoffs.

"He helps me with my homework." Judith perks up.

"Jud, you shouldn't go down there by yourself." I turn to my baby sister, Enid and the others nodding in agreement.

"Why not? He's my friend! I sit against the wall on the other side too!" She gets up and runs to the basement door, opening it and running down.

"Judith!" We all call out after her, Enid and I running after her since we were the closest to her.

"Leave them. They'll take care of it." I heard my dad sigh from the other room.

"Judith?!" Enid calls out, running down the stairs ahead of me. Damn, even pregnant she's fast as hell.

We made it down the stairs and see Judith standing by the bars, and a worn out Negan sitting on the floor against the wall by the window, throwing a tennis ball back and fourth.

"Judith, come on, let's go. You shouldn't be down here." I stand infront of Enid, sparing her from Negan's view.

"Well i'll be damned. The little serial killers not so little anymore!" The withered man chuckles to himself from the cell.

"Baby Grimes here tells me that it's your birthday. Congrats kid. I feel like a proud parent. How long have I known ya?" He turns towards me. I narrow my eye at him, walking over to Judith and grabbing her hand, leading her over to Enid to take her back upstairs.

"I was 15 when you killed my friends in front of me and almost made my dad cut off my arm." I glare at him.

"Damn, i'm getting old. 18?" I don't answer him, just continue to glare. I can hear Enid leading Judith up the stairs, gently scolding her.

"Holy shit! Look at you kid! I knew you were staying up at the Hilltop with your little girlfriend, but I didn't think you knocked her up! Nobody tells me nothin down here!" He cackles, watching Enid go up the stairs and close the door behind them.

"What do you want Negan? Why have you been talking to my sister? You don't have enough voices in your fucked up head to keep you company?" I narrow my eyes, walking towards the stairs.

"Carl, wait!" I stop in my tracks, stepping back down from the bottom step, and looking at the cell.

"What?" I demand, impatiently.

"Congrats kid. You're doing good for this world, I mean it." I look down, unable to look at him.

What the hell was this? Since when has he had any feelings?

"Yeah, thanks." With that, I head back up the stairs and see everyone staring at me, expectantly.

"Umm... how'd it go?" Tara awkwardly breaks the silence.

"Uh fine?" I'm so confused. I honestly have no idea.

"Hey, go easy on your sister. Now I knows what she did was wrong, but you don't have to be too harsh on her. She just misses you." Dad pats my shoulder and says with a stern voice.

"Yeah, I know. I'm gonna try to see her more often. I'm sorry Judy." I crouch down to be level with my baby sister who had tears clouding her big brown eyes.

"Really? I want to see you more too!" She jumps out of Enid's comforting arms and gives me a big hug.

"Awww, i'm glad that you were able to finally talk to each other. you guys were driving me crazy!" Michonne coos from against the wall opposite to us.

"Sorry," I chuckle.

"You two are gonna be amazing parents, just based off what i've seen today. Don't stress it, you'll do great!" Maggie smiles, combing through Enid's long brown hair with her fingers.

Enid smiles at her motherly figure and I can see that her eyes are getting glossy as well.

"Thanks!" She wipes her eyes and giggles, hugging Maggie and everyone else, including me and Judy chuckle.

She's too cute with her hormones! I know they drove her crazy since she usually closes herself off to most people and now she can't control her emotions in the slightest, but I think that it's a good thing. It can help her learn how to open up and express her feelings to others.

Hey! Hope you enjoy the recent chapters! Please like and comment so I know if you guys actually like them! Leave in the comments if you'd like to see more of Negan! Thank you!

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