chapter 39

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Today we're driving to Alexandria to visit for a few days. It's been about a month since we've seen everyone due to all of the reconstruction in Alexandria after the heard, and us being so busy here with the baby. Everyone from the Kingdom and Oceanside are coming too. We got up a little earlier than usual- around 7:34 so that we could get to Alexandria by 10:30-11:00 at the latest. We were planning on having a barbecue today in celebration of everyone finally getting together again.

Enid and I were besides each other in the car, me by the window with Hanna in my lap, Enid in the middle, and Hershel on her right by the other window. Jesus was driving, and Maggie was in the passenger seat.

Hanna looks extra adorable today to see everyone. Today was a little chillier due to the spring breeze, so Enid had gotten her dressed up in a long sleeved shirt with ruffles around the collar and ends of the sleeves. It was a cream color with tiny light pink flower petals on it, and little pink buttons going down. She was wearing a little beige romper skirt over it. It was basically little overalls with a layered pleaded skirt and was a soft thermal material. the little skirt had buttons on it too where the little straps that go over her shoulders were. She was also wearing light pink socks and a headband with a big bow on it that matches her shirt on too.

She really looked adorable. It was also adorable seeing how excited Enid was about the outfit she'd picked out. We're about five minutes away from Alexandria right now. I was playing with Hanna in my lap. Enid was asleep on my shoulder, and Hershel was asleep, leaning against her. I still think it's funny how similar the two are. You can really tell that they are siblings.

I decide to take a picture of the two, so I lay Hanna against my body, sitting her in my lap, and holding her there with one hand, using the other to grab the camera from by my feet, and snapping a picture of the two.

I put the camera back down on the floor of the car, and shake the developing picture. I look over and see Hanna staring at it curiously, making me chuckle.

"It's a picture. You wanna see it?" I know she can't understand me, but I hold it up to her anyways, letting her look at the now developed picture of her mother and uncle. She reaches out, taking the picture from my hands, and admiring it. She looks up at me with her big blue eyes, and smiles at me.

"Ahh!" She squeaks, making me smile.

"Cool, huh?" She ignores me and looks back down at the picture.

"Hey, we're here." Jesus speaks up from the front as he pulls in through the front gates. every since the herd, the Alexandrians have started to park inside of the walls to prevent any trouble like what I had when Enid went into labor. Sure, I doubt anyones going into labor due to a herd breaking inside the walls any time soon, but there could be other issues.

Jesus parks the car and I shake Enid and Hershel awake.

"We're here." I press a kiss onto Enid's forehead, as she wipes her eyes. She smiles and rubs Hanna's cheek.

We get out of the car and are greeted by our family and friends from Alexandria and the Kingdom. I'm guessing that Oceanside isn't here yet, since I don't see anyone. It's not surprising though, since it is pretty far.

"Enid! Carl! Hanna!" Judith comes running up to us, pulling us into big hugs.

"Ahhh!" Hanna chirps, reaching out to Judith, making me chuckle. I carefully hold Hanna out to Judith, letting her hold her niece.

"She's so big now!" Judith grins, hugging the baby close to her body.

"Yeah, she's a chunky girl." Enid laughs.

"Aww, leave her alone, she's just a hungry baby." Maggie laughs, coming up behind us and placing her hands on Enid's shoulders.

It's true. Hanna is a bit of a chunky baby, but I wouldn't say she's particularly big or fat. She's still pretty small, just has a little bit of chunk here and there. Her cheeks, for example. She really is adorable and a perfect baby though. She's beautiful and adorable, but also behavior wise- she's perfect. Never cries, always sleeps through the night, is always happy, is learning new things like talking and kissing way faster than normal babies, and much more. I couldn't ask for a better child, and I couldn't be prouder.

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