chapter forty five

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"There! See?! You look so pretty!" Judith grins, stepping back from her brother. She grabs the hand mirror from the bed besides him and holds it up so he can see himself. His eye widens and we all start snickers aside from Judith who smiles proudly at her work.

"You look so good Sport!" Enid snickers and covers her mouth with the back of her hand to not discourage the little girl.

"What did you do to me?!" He gasps, still jaw dropped in the mirror. He had half of his hair tied up in a ponytail at the back of his head, since it's now too short to braid. His nails were painted black, he had flowers tucked into his hair, and a pink feather boa thrown over his shoulders. Oh, and my personal favorite touch were the flowers tucked between the layers of his bandage so it rested over the padding that covered his eye, making it look like a giant rose bloomed from the empty socket.

"Truly magnificent! You really outdid yourself Judith!" I smile proudly at my daughter. She grins bashfully and Hanna starts laughing hysterically in Carl's arms.

"You wanna look like a princess too Hanna?" The baby looks up at her aunt curiously.

"Can I paint her nails too?" Judith looks between Enid and Carl.

"Sure! Just be careful and make sure that she doesn't put her hands in her mouth before it dries." Enid smiles from besides Carl.

"Let me see the nail polish," Maggie reaches over to the pile of nail polish bottles on the floor. I'd recently found a whole isle of them on a run and brought back a ton of cool colors for Judith. I figured she'd like it and I was definitely right. She loves being able to do girly things like this that we're common for girls her age before. She really does get happy from the small things, and i'm glad i'm able to provide those things for her. Im also glad that I don't have to spend close to $100 on a bag full of nail polish like I would've before. Now, I can bring her anything she wants without a seconds thought.

"This is cute." She holds up a lavender color for us to see. I nod and grab a baby pink for myself.

"Oh!" Hanna watches Judith paint her little nails with an amazed look. She really is adorable.

"You like it? It looks so pretty!" Judith smiles at her, finishing up and closing the bottle of light blue nail polish.

"Look at you Han, you're a big girl now!" Enid smiles at her daughter and tickles her neck. Hanna laughs and tucks her neck away with her chubby chin. Carl smiles down at the baby in his arms, bouncing her on his leg.

"Can you paint my nails? I cant do my other hand." Judith comes up to me, holding a royal blue color.

"Of course I can. Here, sit down." I smile and pat the floor in front of me. She happily does as she was told and holds out her hands in front of me. I start to paint her tiny fingernails, carful to not get it on her fingers.

"Let's see what cute hairstyles we can do on Hanna. I think her hair is long enough to try out a couple." Enid twirls her fingers around Hanna's short curls.

"Yeah! I wanna try to make a flower crown for her!" Judith grins widely.

"Oh, that's gonna be adorable!" Maggie smiles.

"I'm excited to see it!" I add, finishing Judith's nails and looking over at them. Carls smiling and kisses Hanna's cheek, making her smile.

"Maggie, can you braid my hair?" Enid asks, grabbing the brush from the bed. Maggie smiles and nods.

"Sure! It might take a minute to get back into it though, it's been awhile." She chuckles. Enid gets off the bed and sits down on the floor in front of Maggie.

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