chapter 21

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I was awoken from my peaceful sleep by the feeing of my girlfriend jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. Sighing, I throw off the covers and follow her into the bathroom, pulling back her soft brown hair out of her face while she threw up into the toilet.

I feel bad for her. This was usually how we spend our mornings, and it's usually before the sun comes up. I rub soothing circles on her back, her coughing up her dinner from last night.

"Hey, everything okay?" Dad stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, just morning sickness." I spoke softly, continuing to rub Enid's back.

"Oh. is there anything I could do to help?" I could tell that he felt bad for her in his tired eyes.

"Uh... could you grab a glass of water?" I point over to the glass sitting on the counter next to the sink.

"Yeah, no problem." He walks over, turning on the faucet, filling the glass with cold water.

Enid finally stops and wipes her mouth with some toilet paper. Dad hands her the glass and she takes it graciously.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys." She looks up guilt all over her beautiful face. I could see the exhaustion on her face and could tell that she wasn't feeling well.

"It's fine, you know i'll always be here." I pull her into a hug and she tucks her head into the crook on my neck, getting comfortable.

"I'm gonna head back to bed, but let me know if you need anything." I nod to my dad and watch him leave the bathroom and head back to his room.

"Let's get back to bed baby. We can still get a couple more hours in, and i'm sure that you'll feel better with some more sleep." She just nods into my shoulder and I pick her up in my arms, her arms holding onto me from around my shoulders, and her legs wrapped around my waist.

I walk her back to my old room and lay her down on the bed before getting in myself. I pull the covers over us and she cuddles against my chest, holding onto me tightly. I hold her close to me, using my free arm to rub her arm and sooth her back to sleep. I could feel her warm temperature from her forehead against my chest.

When she finally got back to sleep, I was able to easily drift back to sleep and we slept for almost three more hours before we were woken up by soft whispers.

"Enid? Carl? Are you awake?" The small figure whispered from the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm awake Judy, but be quiet because Enid's still sleeping. She's not feeling well today." The little girl nods her head, coming over to the bed and climbing in with us. She lied down on my other side, getting cozy in the blankets and playing with Enid's long hair.

"Why's Enid not feeling well? Is it because of the baby?" Judith asked, looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Yeah, she wakes up and gets sick a lot. Today was just a bad day, but she'll be okay." I whisper to her, looking down at my sleeping girlfriend and tuck her silky hair behind her ear.

"We should do nice stuff to make her feel better." Judith smiles at me, pushing her light brown curls out of her face.

"That's a good idea Jud." She smiles and nods, resting her head down on the pillow and cuddling into the soft covers.

When I woke up, I was met with the sight of my boyfriend snoring softly from under me, and his baby sister sprawled out on the bed next to us, snoring softly the same as her brother. They're too cute! I love my two Grimes siblings so much!

I cup Carl's face in my hand, softly stroking his scarred cheek below the empty socket.

He was finally getting more comfortable to not wearing his bandage all the time around the house. I'm glad. It's amazing to see him start to feel more comfortable with himself.

His eyes start to flutter open, facing me. He smiles and leans into my hand.

"Morning." His raspy voice was too cute. I love this boy.

"Morning." I smile back. We just lied there smiling at each other until we heard a soft groan and the sheets ruffling signaling that Judith was waking up.

"Morning Judy." I smile.

"Are you feeling better Enid?" Her big brown eyes peer into my own.

"Yeah, i'm feeling much better now. Thanks Judy." I smile at her, before pulling her in closer to Carl and I to give her a hug.

"When will we know if the baby is a girl or a boy?" Judith asks, poking my belly softly, causing Carl to chuckle.

"We still have to wait a few more months for that. What do you think the baby will be?" I watch the serious contemplation on her adorable face.

"I want it to be a girl so that I can dress her up and play girl games with her. And I wanna do her hair like you and Mommy do my hair." She uses her free hand to twirl her little finger around her curls.

"That would be fun. A girl would be nice, but so would a boy. Imagine a little baby cowboy running around." I take Carl's hat off the nightstand and place it on her head. It falls onto her face causing her to giggle.

"Yeah! Even if it's a boy we can braid his hair like we did with Carl's that one time when you guys came back Alexandria." I laugh out loud at Carl's exhausted groan.

"Thank god I had you cut it! Never again." Judith points a finger at him.

"It wasn't that bad you big baby! You made it messy because you kept moving!" Carl's eyes shoot open wide.

"That's because you put a ton of flowers in my hair and the pollen kept making me sneeze!" I roll my eyes at the two bickering.

For the two Grimes siblings being so attached to each other, they always seem to bicker over the dumbest things and I think it's hilarious. Carl would slaughter an army for her, but would mock her on days end. I just know that he will have just as good a relationship with our baby when they're born.

"Can we go swimming today?" Judith breaks the bickering and turns to me.

That's actually a really good idea. It's been really hot outside lately, and pretty uneventful. It'll be nice fir everyone to have a nice time together while we're here.

"That's a great idea Judy. Tell you what? I'll help you get changed, then you go gather everyone else up and meet us at the pond." The little girl grins and places Carl's hat onto my baby bump before hopping off the bed and scurrying out of the room.

My heart is fucking melting.

My stupid hormones make my eyes start to tear up at the adorable little gesture. Carl chuckles at me, pulling me closer for a hug. He soothes me till I stop crying, and places the hat on my head. I smile, leaning in and pecking his pink lips and going after Judith.

How did I get so lucky to have both Grimes' love?!

Hiii! Sorry that it's been awhile, I broke both of my wrists falling off my bike and typing is really difficult now with two casts lol. I'll try to get the new updates out as soon as I can but they will most likely take a while, so please hang in there! Thank you all so much for reading this far to those who have lol! It really means a lot to me!

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