chapter 42

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"Boh. Boh. Boh. Boh. Boh." Hanna mumbles to herself, sucking on her hand, and playing with the hem of my shirt. Enid had just dropped her off to me so that she can spend some time with Maggie and Rosita. I'm glad that she's taking time to herself. I'm also a little proud to be able to show off my amazing fiancé and our adorable daughter to all of the guys.

"I know Han. I like them too." I chuckle. She looks completely unbothered and continues to play with my shirt. I walk back over to the table to cut out another scrap of metal to patch up the walls.

I use the hacksaw to cut out it down to the size that I need, being extra careful to make sure that Hanna's little feet weren't in the way while I worked.

"Hey, I just finished up with my section-" Jake comes over, gesturing to the wall he was working on, but trailing off when he sees Hanna strapped to my chest. I look up at him with a straight face, waiting for whatever he has to say.

"This the little stinker? She's a cutie." He smiles, watching the baby drool on my shirt. I find myself smiling a bit, and looking down at her. I rub the back of her head, before kissing it, and nodding.

"Thanks. Her mother was busy so she's stuck with me now." Hanna looks up at me at the mention of her mother.

"Boh?" I chuckle.

"No. You do know that's not her name right?" I ask the baby, even though she probably has no idea what i'm saying to her.

"Mah!" She looks away, hiding her face in my chest. I just look at her confused, and hear a chuckling.

"How old is she? She looks pretty young to be speaking this much. I remember before, my daughter started talking around almost two years old. She was a bit of a late bloomer though." Jake smiled. Now it makes sense. Why he defended me, and is so curious about Hanna.

"She's ten weeks old as if yesterday." I rub her back gently.

"Wow, that's crazy!" His eyes widened a bit. I chuckle and nod.

"Yeah, it's surprised us too. she's been saying a couple words though. Yesterday she started saying 'dada'." I smile down proudly at my daughter, who was now looking back up at me. She really is adorable. She looks so much like Enid when she has her hair up like this.

"Wow. That's so cool. Good for you man! I can imagine that your fiancé wasn't too happy about that though." He jokes, grabbing a sheet of metal and measuring it to the size he needed. I laugh, shaking my head.

"Not overly. She was super excited that she's actually speaking, but I could tell that she was a little upset." Hanna lays her head against my chest, clutching onto my shirt with her tiny hands. I grab another sheet of metal, doing the same thing.

"Who knows, maybe she'll say it soon. Don't wanna rush her though. My Alice always got nervous when her mom or I would put any kind of pressure on her to say anything, and would go completely mute for the time being." He smiles sadly, stopping what he was doing. I'd figured that they were dead when I learned that he came to Alexandria alone, but this confirms it. I nod.

"She's already learning so quickly, there's really no rush." I agree. I look back down and notice that Hanna had fallen asleep against my chest, and was sleeping with her little mouth parted. She looked so peaceful. It's funny how fast she can fall asleep too. I get back to work, cutting out the metal, and adding it to the pile to be put up onto the wall. I'm not going to be able to put them up myself- gif now at least. Not until Hanna wakes up at least, since i'll have to use a drill.

While I work, I think about tonight, and my date with Enid. I'm excited to spend the night with just us. It's gonna be just like old times, like before the war with the saviors.

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