chapter 25

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It's been a couple months and today is the day we find out the gender of the baby. I'm currently hauling ass from the armory to the medical trailer to meet Enid before the appointment. The armory is pretty damn far- on the other side of Hilltop. Doesn't make since if you ask me, but whatever.

The past three months have been pretty uneventful. Just mostly working and the weekly visits from Judith and my family. We even have been going to the Kingdom and Oceanside more.

Enid's doing pretty well. She mostly focuses on helping out in medical instead of farming and tending to crops as per my request. Her belly is wayyy bigger now and I could tell it was becoming pretty difficult for her and wether she'd admit it or not, it was really draining her. Maggie gladly gave her more hours at medical and assigned someone else to the gardens and animals.

Due to her belly getting so much bigger, she started to struggle with a lot of everyday things which is adorable and funny to me. She cant really get up or down on her own for one. She also can't see beyond her stomach, leading me to have to help her get dressed, but i'm not complaining. I'll help her for the rest of our lives if she asked me to.

"Hey! I'm here! Sorry!" I tried to catch my breath but failed. God i'm getting weak as shit. A few months without fighting in a war and now i'm winded just running across the Hilltop. I should start working out.

"Hey! You're just in time, let's go!" My beautiful girlfriend smiles at me. I nod my head with a smile. I wrap my arm around her and we walk into the trailer to see Siddiq and doctor Carson.

"Hey you two! You ready to find out the gender of this baby?" Siddiq smiles upon our arrival.

"Yep!" Enid smiles, caressing her swollen belly.

"Alright, just hop up here, and i'll get the machine ready. Remember that the gel is gonna be cold- don't wanna startle you." Doctor Carson pats on the bed and turns to start up the machine.

I help Enid climb up and settle on the bed. She lifts her shirt to just over her bump and Siddiq spreads the gel over her belly, causing her to jump at contact.

"Sorry." She giggles causing me to chuckle. I lean down and peck her head, before placing my hat on top of her head.

"Alright, so you see that little foot? Right next to it is the baby's stomach. If I can just find the right angle... than we can see the gender of the baby. Alright! Do you guys wanna know what it is?" Enid looks at me with pleading eyes and who am I to tell her no?

Plus, I wanted to know just as much as her.

Enid turns back to them and nods her head frantically. The two men laugh and turn back to the machine to print out pictures.

"Congratulations! You are having a healthy baby girl!" Doctor Carson hands us the pictures and Siddiq wipes the gel off Enid's belly.

I would literally pay to see the stunned look on my face. Enid's mouth was wide open and her hands flew to hug her stomach.

I can feel myself smiling and I pull her head closer to me, moving the hat to kiss her. I rub a hand over her stomach and feel what felt like a sudden mini punch.

Holy shit.

"Oh!" Enid slightly flinches at the new and sudden feeling of two more punches. I could see by the look on her face that she shared my shock.

"Would you look at that? Baby's just as excited as you guys!" Siddiq chuckles.

"I'm guessing that's the first time she's kicked?" We both nod frantically but are too fascinated with feeling and watching her stomach to answer him.

"A little of a late bloomer, but everything should be fine. Seems she can really sense Enid's excitement and got excited herself." Doctor Carson smiles.

"Well be leaving now! Thanks guys!" Enid grabs my hand to hoist herself up before dragging us out of the trailer. She runs (waddles) into the Barrington house and into the living room, where she turns around suddenly and hugs me tightly.

I smile and hug her back loosely, not wanting to squish the baby.

"I'm so excited!" I could tell that she was probably crying due to her lack of control over her emotions which causes me to chuckle.

"I am too baby! My two girls." I take off the hat, putting it back on my head and kissing the top of hers.

That's when it hit me. A girl. We're having a girl. It all feels so real now. A mini Enid running around. I couldn't be any more excited and scared at the same time. I hope I can be a good girl dad. Sure, I was a primary caretaker of Judith, but that was always on the road, and even then I missed so much. I promise myself that i'm not going to miss anything for my baby girl. I'm gonna learn to be the best dad ever.

I'll find her all the pretty dresses she could want, and learn to style her hair. I'll find her the softest and most cuddly toys, and paint her room pink.

"So how'd it go? Did ya find out the gender of the baby?" Maggie's voice broke my train of thought. She leaned on the doorway with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

"We're having a girl!" Enid grinned, wiping her tears.

Maggie's face lit up and she came over to us to engulf Enid into a warm embrace.

"God, i'm so excited for you two! Congratulations!" She pulls away from Enid to bring me down into a hug.

"You feel overrun yet?" Maggie pulls away and grins at me. I chuckle and shake my head.

"A little." Enid giggles.

"Well everyone should be here soon. Are you gonna tell them?" Maggie looks at her watch. We nod.

"You should figure out how you're gonna tell everyone!" Enid wastes no time pulling the pictures out of her pocket and handing them to Maggie.

"The pictures. They say the gender at the top. We can hand out the pictures at dinner for everyone to see!" Maggie nods with a huge grin on her face.

"That's a great idea! It's getting kinda close to dinner now- I should prove get started. Any requests?" Enid thinks for a minute.

"Spaghetti and chicken?" Maggie nods and heads back into the kitchen.

Thanks to Enid and Jesus, we have collected a few animals, and our crops have been flourishing. We've been producing tons of peppers, broccoli, asparagus, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, strawberries, apples, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, oranges, peaches, cantelope, wheat, and more.

The kingdom has also gifted us a couple animals to breed which had also worked out better than expected. We started out originally with 6 chickens, two cows, four goats, and three horses, but now we have like 23 chickens, five cows, seven goats, and six horses.

Things are actually looking good for the future, and I couldn't ask for anything better from this world to bring my daughter into. Compared to how we had to raise Judith, Hershel, and Gracie, you might as well call this the dream for our baby. I just hope I don't trip over one of those damn chickens again while i'm holding her. Those bastards are always running all over Hilltop and are always in everyone's way.

All I know is that I can't wait to meet my baby girl and couldn't be more nervous at the same time. I already love her so much.

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