chapter 41

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"All done! Wanna see it Eni?!" Hershel asks, throwing his crayons down onto the table. I smile and nod, placing mine down next to my own drawing.

"Of course Hershey, let's see it!" Currently, i'm sitting at the Grimes' kitchen table drawing with Hershel, Judith, and Gracie. Hanna's been down for a nap for the past two hours now while Carl's helping Rick out.

Speaking of Hanna, I couldn't be anymore prouder of her! She said her first works today! Her first real word! I know that Carl was joking about 'boh' being her true first word, but im not counting it since she didn't say it right. My little baby is getting so big!

"Do you like it?" Hershel hold up his paper that had what looked like a red car on it.

"That's really good bud! Where did you learn to draw like that?" I admire the picture. This kids only three and it's actually pretty good. I just know know where he's ever seen a red sports car.

"I saw it in a book at home! Well, I saw a black one, but Uncle Rick told me that Daddy found a red one before and that he loved it! I'm gonna give my drawing to Mommy!" He grins, half of his teeth missing. I'm glad that everyone's been sharing stories about Glenn with Hershel. He never got to meet his father, but at least he has a pretty good idea about the kind of person he was.

"That's so cool buddy!" I ruffle his hair and he gives me a proud grin, going back to add final details to his drawing. I look around at the other kids but notice that Gracie wasn't drawing anymore, but instead looking upset at her drawing.

"What's wrong Grace? Are you okay?" I place my hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me, teary eyed, and I immediately feel bad. I look down at her drawing and see a picture of what looked to be a family with a father, mother, and daughter. Oh.

"The other kids said it's weird that I don't have a mommy, just two daddies. Is it weird?" Judith and Hershel look up at her with worried expressions, and I pull her in for a side hug.

"Of course it's not weird. It's pretty awesome actually. You not only have one daddy, but two! Plus, I happen to love both of your daddies, and I know that they both adore you. Jesus may not always be around as much as he'd like, but you know that he loves you, and so does Aaron. You don't need a mommy to be normal. If you ask me, I think normal is overrated anyways." She looks up at me with a soft smile, and wipes her teary eyes.

"Thank you Enid! You're an awesome mommy!" I can feel myself starting to grin, and I kiss the top of her blonde curly locks.

"Thank you Gracie! Remember, I'm always here if you need anyone." She nods, hugging back.

"We're home!" Carl calls out from the living room. I can hear the front door shut behind him.

"In here!" Judith yells back with a smile plastered on her face. Carl and Rick make there way in and smile upon seeing us.

"Look Uncle Rick! Just like you told me!" Hershel runs over, showing him his drawing. Rick leans down, scooping up the boy in his arms with a smile.

"That's really good bud! That's exactly what it looked like!" Hershel turns his face away bashfully, making me laugh.

"It really does, good job Hersh!" Carl adds, peaking at the drawing from over Rick's shoulder.

"Thank you!" Hershel grins at both of them.

"Carl! Do you wanna see my drawing?!" Judith hips out of her seat and runs over to him with her drawing in her hands. I'm curious to see what it is, she didn't even show me yet.

"Of course I do!" He crouches down to her level and she holds out the paper to show him. He takes his hat off and places it on her head.

"That's really good Jud! You guys are so good at art!" He ruffles her curls, making her laugh. He takes the drawing from her hands and flips it around to show the rest of us.

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