chapter 26

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It's been about a week since we found out the gender of the baby and told everyone. Needless to say, everyone was super excited, especially Carl. Even though he is super excited, I can tell that he's also super nervous. I mean I get it, we're going to be parents, and Carl doesn't know the first thing about being a father- let aline to a girl.

I can already tell that this baby is gonna be spoiled rotten though. Carl's been going on a lot more runs, bringing back all sorts of baby items and clothes. He thinks that I don't notice since he stashed it away in the closet, but I'm not stupid. I think it's adorable.

Lasts night we were talking with Maggie and Jesus about making my old bedroom into the baby's room since it's right next to ours and is currently unoccupied. Jesus said he can help Carl paint it with some old paint from the basement and they can go on runs to get things like a crib.

I couldn't be anymore excited myself. I'm already finding myself dressing girlier. For the first time since the worlds gone to shit, I feel more comfortable. Comfortable enough to unit the third knots in my boots and to only keep my knife on me, rather than a gun. I have also been wearing a couple dresses around the house to show off my baby bump. The flowy fabrics also feel way nicer on my skin.

"Hey baby, how are you?" Carl greets me with a kiss from his long day at the armory.

"I'm good. Guess what?" I smile, wrapping my arms over his shoulders. He returns the smile and pulls be in by my waist, leaving his arms resting around my hips.

"What?" His gaze never leaves my eyes.

"Carol, Ezekiel, Henry, Tara, and Jerry are coming for a few days. They'll be here tomorrow morning. I think Tara's bringing Judith too. She was radioing me earlier and said Judith wouldn't stop begging her to bring her along!" I giggle, causing Carl to chuckle at the thought of his sister following Tara around, pestering her to go with her to visit us.

"Really? Its been a while since we saw them." He smiles and I nod.

"Oh!" I suddenly gasp out in surprise. I bring my hands down to my stomach and feel little kicks.

"She sure is antsy in there. Can you imagine her running all around Hilltop when shes older? And us chasing after her helplessly?" Carl laughs, pulling my shirt up above my big belly and watching the little kicks protrude my stomach.

"Reminds me of you chasing me outside the walls. Or us chasing Judith around the house." I laugh. He drops his head, laughing.

I love when we can be goofy like this. I haven't laughed like this since the old world. It feels so good to be able to laugh again, especially seeing Carl laugh. His adorable dimples on his freckled cheeks, his eyebrows raised, and a goofy grin on his face. I cant be anymore in love with this boy.

"What?" He tilts his head to the side like a lost puppy.

"Nothing, just admiring my adorable boyfriend." I smirk, ruffling his hair.

"I'm not adorable." He shakes his head, trying to fix his hair.

"Yes you are. You're like a puppy." I cup his cheeks and he raises a brow, unconvinced.

"How long we're you in the heat for today?" Okay, that made me laugh hard.

"What?!" He helplessly asks.

"You! Just admit that you're cute! It's not a bad thing! I think you're adorable, and I hope our baby girl looks just like you." I cross my arms over my chest.

"No way, I hope she's just as gorgeous as her mother. I can imagine her having your gorgeous eyes, and big pink lips. And when she's older, your sense of humor." He stands up, pulling me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and tuck my face into his hair and neck.

"I love you." The words just come out without a second thought.

"I love you too." He rubs circles into the arch of my back and pats my butt with his other hand.

"You dork!" I snort into his chest, laughing hard.

"What can I say? I have an adorable girlfriend!" He mocks me.

*knock* *knock*

We slowly pull away and turn to the door, seeing it crack open and a small little head poking through, a grin on his face.

"Can I come in?" The little boy asks, while he walks into the room. I shake my head and chuckle.

"Of course Hershey. What's up? Did Mama make you lunch yet or is she still busy in her office?" I crouch down to his level, struggling a bit, but Carl helps me.

"Nuh uh! She said to ask you if you can! She said you're pwobably hungry too!" He gives us a toothless grin and Carl burst out laughing, failing at holding it back.

I raise my brows at him, but can't hold back my own smile and turn back to my baby brother in front of me.

"Sure! What were you thinking?" I tap Carl's shoulder to signal for help getting up. He stands up and leans down, hoisting me up by my waist. I grab Hershel's hand and we make our way to the kitchen.

"Can we have max and cheese?" Hershel looks up at me and asks.

"Yes! Mac and cheese does sound really good right now, and lucky for us- the cheese from the cows was just finished!" I lift him into a chair at the table in the kitchen, and go to find a small pot.

"Ah ah ah! I don't think so. Don't worry about this, I can make it. You go play with Hershel." Carl takes the pot out of my hands.

See? This is what I meant when I say he's over protective and insists on doing everything for me. No i'm usually super independent and insist on doing things in my own, my own way, but right now i'm too pregnant to argue. Plus getting off my feet did sound nice. They're all swollen and aching from literally just taking inventory in medical.

"Fine. But i'll have you know, I am perfectly capable of making mac and cheese." I take a seat next to Hershel who was just watching with an amused smile.

"Yes love, I know. You're a total badass. But let me do this for you?" He looks into my eyes to make sure that i'm not actually upset.

I nod and Hershel giggles.

"You think that's funny?" I laugh and tickle him. He squeals out, and flails his limbs around, laughing.

"No!" He shrieks between gasps.

"That's what I thought mister." I make a funny face at him, making him laugh again.

I love my brother, and your moments like these. He really is such a happy kid, and Glenn would be proud. He is always laughing and attempting to make others laugh, even when we're sad, just like his father. It's comforting to still have such a large piece of him still here with us.

I like to imagine that he's still here sometimes. When i'm having a hard day, I go to his grave and tell him about my day and how I'm feeling. I imagine the things he'd say, whether he was giving me advice or telling me an unfunny joke to try to make me feel better. I know that he's still with me, through our memories of him, and through Hershel.

My brother helps fill the void in my heart of our father.

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