Chapter 19 - Hungover

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Emma's POV:

Fucking hell...

My hand falls on my forehead, trying to calm down the throbbing pain that subsides behind my skull. 

What the hell happened last night?

I desperately try to piece the time puzzle back in my head.

I can clearly remember what happened before and during the dinner, Suga pooring soju.. OMG, all that Soju. Wait, music, dancing... I remember that I danced a lot. OH NO!

A flashing image of me grinding and trying to flirt with Jin is burning the backside of my eyelids. 

WHY, WHY, do I always do these kinds of things!?

I roll over to my side and prop up my tired body with my left arm and find myself being back in my hotel room, in a bathrobe. 

WHAT!? How, did I even get back here?

My eyes are still adjusting to the daylight seeping through the big windows and I blink frenetically trying to hasten the process. As I look around and my vision starts to clear up I freeze in utter shock when I notice a human sleeping in the bed beside me.

This is not, not, not happening. 

My hands unties the robe and I shake fearing the worst: me not wearing anything underneath. I look down and exhale in relief, underwear from last night is still on. 

At least I kept my legs shut..

The person in my bed rolls around with a soft moan and under the brown locks of hair is the face that belongs to Kim Soeokjin. I gasp when my eyes are drawn to the bare upper body making it's appearance, splayed out in full glory right in front of me.

Okay, so what so I do now? Cough? No that's not... 

I put my right foot up against the mattress and start kicking the bed, making his body shift slightly.

 - Uhm..


 - Hi Emma, you're awake?

 - Uh, yes but, I'm sorry, What are you doing here?

 - Someone had to bring you back yesterday.

He sits up, not bothered by being without a shirt and looking at me with big tired eyes.

 - I-I, did I do something stupid last night, I know. Fuck, Jin I'm sorry!

 - Hey! It's fine, you only threw up on me and yourself. It's nothing I haven't seen before.

Why, Emma, WHY!? 

I can feel how the color in my face disappear, all I want to do is evaporate from this earth. 

I have never been so ashamed..

 - I had to remove your clothes, I tried to put the robe on you as fast as I could but you kept insisting on taking it off..


 - Stop it! It's fine, really. I'm a gentleman.. Aaaaanyway, what do you say about getting some breakfast? You must be starving?

Y/N's POV:

I wake up in the arms of him, my legs intertwined with his. I yawn a snuggle in to the crook of his neck and give him a few kisses. The hair on his arms rise and he starts to squirm a little bit.

 - Goodmorning to you to.. I was having such good dream, why did you wake me?

 - Because it's to tempting.

Airplane | J-Hope x reader | Adult + 18! | CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon