The Morning

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With his eyes still closed, Yoongi feels a brightness against his face. He thinks it must be morning. He becomes aware of a sound, close to his head and he can't identify it but there is a rhythm to it. It's possible he's only dreaming. He shifts his weight a little and feels something against his back, pressing on him. It isn't a dream. If it was a dream, just thinking about it possibly being a dream would be enough to wake him up. He slowly opens his eyes and, in a bit of a fog, he sees fabric, cotton fabric, in a deep shade of blue. He doesn't own anything that's this shade of blue, certainly nothing this saturated.

He lifts his face, and she comes in to view, her head turned to the side, her eyes closed, breathing deeply. He raises a little higher and he looks down to see he's been asleep on her chest. He sputters a little at the idea it might be inappropriate to be face down on top of a near stranger. He tries to raise off of her but he feels the weight of her arm over his back. In her sleep, she pulls him closer, and he allows himself to lay his head back down against her chest. This time, eyes wide open, and a look of concern. Is this OK?

He knows nothing happened between them last night, that would be a terrible way to begin their arrangement. He knows they had a little too much wine, they talked and laughed and it felt at times very comfortable, and natural, and sometimes, it felt awkward as fuck. He smirks a little at the idea of just how awkward it's going to be when she wakes up. He thinks about moving away, of avoiding this first moment together, but, something is keeping him here, pressed against her chest, feeling her body rise and fall with each heavy breath. He wonders how long she will sleep; if she's a light sleeper, if he moves, will it wake her? He slowly shifts his weight to reposition himself, feeling the need to pull away. He manages to slide down her body, lifting her arm from off his back, and he rolls over onto his side, away from her. He can see the clock on his nightstand now and he realizes that it's much earlier than he expected. He doesn't need to get up.

If he does get up, will it mean more awkward hours trying to figure out if he's just made the biggest mistake of his life; involving this girl in his world, and paying her to suffer as his girlfriend. He knows there is more about him he didn't share, afraid of scaring her off. He knows this job isn't going to be the walk in the park she might think it is. The things that aren't outlined in the contract specifically are his moods, and his changeability. The fact that she will spend hours and hours, if not days, alone, because he's not interested, or too busy, or doesn't need anyone. There's going to be a lot of times she might feel confused about how he feels about her, because when he wants to be nice and be with someone, he's really good at it, and when he doesn't, other people's feelings somehow haven't mattered enough to him to change his behavior. He just didn't have time to worry about other people's needs in the past. He knows the term 'other people' that keeps going through his head only means one thing; previous girlfriends, real girlfriends, all of the women he was interested in, spent time with, and then disappeared from their lives without confrontation.

They all wanted confrontation, it was him that wanted to avoid it, and because he didn't care enough about their need for closure, he made sure management and company staff got in between them so he didn't have to have that moment when he got told all his flaws, all his faults. He knew all of them already. It seemed a waste of his time. So, they just ended, without ending. For the next three months, this person, who agreed to play this role, is going to see all of these sides. Because she won't be emotionally invested, maybe she will just keep it all to herself and at the end of the time, she'll just leave, and go on to the next role. Or, maybe she will tell him exactly what she thinks, what's wrong with him, and what he should do differently. What would she have to lose? The job will be over.

He feels the bed shift behind him and he thinks she might have woken up. His heart beats a little faster at the idea that she might speak to him now, and he doesn't know what to say. He pretends to be asleep, lying perfectly still, but keeping his eyes on the clock. Suddenly, the bed shifts again and before he can decide if she's getting up, he feels her hands around his waist, sliding around him, and her touch makes him flinch. He bites his lip and squeezes his eyes closed, holding his breath. He shouldn't have flinched, she will know he's awake, he realizes as he grimaces. Her hands continue around him, until her fingers curve between his body and the mattress, and he feels her press against his back, close to him. Her face is level with the back of his neck, her breath tickling him, and making him wonder if he should move away, but if he does, will she know he's awake?

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ