The Article

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She can't believe what she's hearing, the confusion she feels over the mere idea of her dating Namjoon is one thing, but, the wonder at how her mother could be asking her such a thing is making her mind flood with possibilities, none of them good.

"Eomeoni, I told you I am working on a project." She stalls for time. She stands up quickly as she puts her mother on speaker and checks her phone for messages. Yoongi sent a text that she hadn't seen.

'on my way'

She frowns. Her hands begin to shake as she tries to check the time of the text and calculate how far away he is and how long it will take him to get to the room. She does not want to be speaking to her mother when he arrives.

"You are lying Kim Soo Ah, you are in France, I have seen the pictures." She gulps, and her brow furrows.

"What pictures?" she asks meekly, wondering if this could be true.

"Your pictures. There is an article, and there are reporters outside our house. Your father doesn't want to go for his morning run. He has to exercise for his heart. You're being very selfish!"

Soo Ah drops back onto the couch, her head spinning. She clutches the phone, as she tries to search a browser to see what might be coming up...but she doesn't see anything unusual. She thinks for a moment, and she puts her own name into the search bar and several articles appear at the top of the search. One is from a gossip site back home, it's one she would never go on and never trust, but, there, on the screen in front of her, are multiple images of Namjoon walking into the museum alone; grainy images, taken secretly, but, his clothing and bucket hat are evident and she recognizes him.

A third picture is clearly of her from behind, sat next to him on the bench inside the museum. It shows a moment when she smiled over at him and her pink hair and the profile of her face are visible. His face is unmasked; anyone would be able to recognize his dimple.

The next picture, is of her in the pink patterned dress, quickly leaving the party at Le Meurice, her pink hair and face turned to look back toward the photographers, before she tried to hail a taxi. It's full quality, crystal clear, and is easy to identify her.

But the last picture, is the worst picture. It's the most damning, and will be the hardest picture to dismiss. It's an image of her sat on the wooden bench at the museum, in what looks like an embrace with Namjoon. It looks like they are kissing. His bucket hat hides the fact that her head is turned into his chest as she cried over Yoongi, and not turned up to him, to kiss him, but his arm is definitely wrapped around her, and there is no way to tell the truth of their encounter. She is mortified.

Her mother has been shouting at her the entire time she looked over the images trying to make sense of them and wondering who could have taken them. She hasn't heard a word her mother is saying, allowing the sound it to exist as a wave of the disappointment she is used to hearing from her.

She reads through the article, and it names her fully, and identifies her as an actress with a small part in the drama "You're My Best Friend" which makes her frown, since it certainly wasn't a memorable role. The fact that they've identified her so quickly, is why the press are outside her parents home, likely realizing that no one will be at her little apartment.

"Are you even going to explain yourself?!" She had nearly forgotten her mother was still yelling at her on the phone as she read the article.

"I'm so sorry Eomma. It isn't what it looks like. I will explain everything later, please do not talk to anyone. Tell Appa I'm sorry." She hangs up before her mother can add a final insult to her diatribe.

She stares at the images, and wonders at what point Yoongi will see them. Will he see them in the car on his way home? Has he already seen them? Or will she have to tell him? The last option makes her gasp. She doesn't want to be the one to show him this article, and these images, but, she does need to explain. He must be used to the press making things up, creating a narrative that isn't there and wreaking havoc on people's lives because they have been in the same general area as a member of BTS. She exhales deeply, closing her eyes, trying to let go of some of the tension in her body. She hears the doorbell to the suite, and her heart sinks, wondering who it could be. She assumes security must already know, and maybe they will remove her from the room before Yoongi even gets back.

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