Waiting for Min Yoongi

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Soo Ah spends the next few hours of darkness in her own room, trying not to think about Yoongi at the airport, and trying to remember that he's probably sleeping peacefully after a five course meal, champagne, and maybe a movie on board. He's probably wearing the silky pajamas the attendant gave him, the same ones she still has on now. She touches the soft fabric again as she sits in bed, trying to read through her notes in her red journal. She tried to copy down the things he said to her on the phone, when he was almost asleep, and she laughs at the idea that she snores. She's sure he must be teasing her about that.

She has several notes underlined, referencing his humor. She had already figured out that he had a very sneaky and dark sense of humor and could easily fool people into believing he was serious. His expression can be completely blank, like nothing is going through his mind, and it's masking the fact that probably a hundred things are going through his mind all at once. His look, to her, is less 'blank stare' and more focused intensity, just hidden behind his soft features. She has also seen an outright playful and jovial side to him that seems inconsistent with the things Jongdae told her, about the security team being intimidated by him. She's fairly certain he was not supposed to admit that to her, but that maybe he believes it so whole heartedly that he couldn't help but admit it.

'His little awkward smile!'

She has it underlined in her journal. Sometimes, she sees just the corner of his mouth curl up like he's trying to hide his smile but can't. It makes his chin wrinkle and sometimes, when he lets himself carry on with the smile, he blinks a few times and nods. Maybe he does it to reassure those around him, or himself. It makes her feel like everything will be ok when he does that, and it makes her let go of her fears and her worries. She wishes she could see that smile now.

She can't remember the last time she had anything to eat, but she's worried about trying to get food from the hotel staff at this late hour. The sun will be up soon, and maybe she can go walk around outside at least, to get some fresh air. Although she could easily get lost in a city this size and not be able to ask for directions. Yoongi put a translating app on her phone but she hasn't even opened it yet to see how it works. Maybe she thought she wouldn't need it, and she'd always be with him or someone else who could help, but she's starting to wonder if she wasn't kidding herself. She should kill a few hours on the app and see if anything she learned in school would come back to her. She rolls over on her bed, and starts a practice session for English.


A few more hours have past, and a few English phrases memorized and rehearsed, and it's getting closer to the time he should be landing. She has his itinerary on her phone, saved, and he's referenced just under his initials for his appearances and schedules.  Probably couldn't have a published schedule that said 'Min Genius at London Savoy Hotel arrival 620pm' would have been too easy for anyone who might see her phone to figure out. She smiles softly remembering, and she swipes back to her Home Screen to see his picture he saved on her phone. Using initials seems like it could also be easy to identify and she wonders if some of these aren't in a sort of code. There is something on his schedule for today, but she doesn't understand the initials, and she didn't think to ask him what it meant.

As time passes, getting closer to landing time, she begins to feel a sort of anxiousness about his arrival. She isn't sure exactly why she's anxious. She is looking forward to seeing him again, and feeling that calm she feels when he's near. Maybe she's worried about meeting the rest of his members. She wonders if she can manage to feel relaxed meeting all of them, at once?! She has to play it very cool because it would be difficult for them to have her act nervous around them, but also, she is supposed to be Yoongi's girlfriend, and she wouldn't act weird around his friends; his brothers.

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