Sharing The News

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He smiles at them, pleased to see them both, and Taehyung stands to embrace him. He tries to pull back a little, as though it makes him uncomfortable, but he smiles at his younger member who insists on hugging him every time, and refuses to be pushed away. He's learned to expect it, and he might even appreciate it now, but he tries not to let him know that!

Jungkook nods again to him in greeting from under his bucket hat and he looks down at the documents in his hand. Yoongi looks at the plethora of food on the table in front of them. Every type of fruit and snack seems to be laid out and beautifully arranged in the center, so anyone at the oval shaped table can grab what they want. He looks over his options as he hears the door behind him open again.

Namjoon and Seokjin enter the space, in the middle of a discussion about a book Namjoon lent him. Both men have come straight from the gym at HYBE and have on their work out clothing still.

"I will read it, but it's so hard to find the time!" Seokjin protests in a sweet but whining voice. Namjoon shakes his head, probably assuming he's just choosing gaming over the chance to read the book.

"You make time for things you like, and I think you'll enjoy it Hyung." He looks over at the others and nods in greeting as he sits down at the table.

He looks up at Yoongi just as he pulls some fruit out of a bowl and begins to peel it, still hovering over the assortment. Yoongi notices it's gone quiet and he looks around at the others all now staring at their phones, and then he looks over at Namjoon who is smiling at him with the biggest dimples showing. His smile says he 'knows' something the others don't, and Yoongi frowns when he sees it, worried about what he might say.  He shakes his head at him almost imperceptibly.

Namjoon clears his throat loudly, making the others look up just as Hoseok comes into the room with several staffers and their tour manager, Lee Han Bin. The members greet them each as they enter. The staff take seats along the wall, behind the table, allowing the space at the table to be used by the members and the tour manager. One seat at the table remains empty, and the others look around, almost doing a mental count to see who is missing. Namjoon groans.

"Jiminah, of course he's late." Yoongi finally selects his next piece of fruit and drops down into his chair. The others watch him as he puts too many segments of a tangerine into his mouth but he looks at them as though he's unrepentant.

"I didn't eat today," he complains, expecting that to be true, but then he remembers making her the egg toasty, and having one himself, and he blushes at the truth that he really shouldn't be hungry yet. He sets the orange aside just as Jimin comes through the door quickly, as though he didn't want to be late and he looks at each of them worried. He slows his breathing.

"Am I late, did you start?" Namjoon shakes his head 'no'.

"Right on 'Jimin time," he teases. Jimin sits down next to Yoongi at the table and smiles over at him.

"I couldn't help it, there were fans in the lobby on some sort of tour and I wanted to stop and say hello," he explains, pleased with himself. The others look over surprised, having come from different parts of the building, not through the lobby.

"Oh! I thought I heard some unusually loud screams," Jin says, thinking both that he's making a joke, but it could also be true. Jimin smiles at him warmly, taking it as a joke.

Lee Han Bin finishes talking quietly with a staffer near him and pushes himself up to the table in his rolling chair.  Each member stops looking at the papers in front of them, or at their phones, and waits for him to begin. He's managed their tours before, and knows each of the members well enough to have no formalities and he gets right to the discussion at hand.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz