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Yoongi wakes from a wonderful dream, smiles to himself, and pulls her body closer. Tonight is the final concert in Europe, and she's been with him at the show every night for weeks since their morning declaration in Paris. Performing on stage is always an amazing experience that fuels him and gives purpose to the work he's driven to do, but having someone with him to support him and lift him higher, has made these concerts the best experience. He caresses her arm as he listens to her sleep, keeping his eyes closed as he nuzzles against her soft hair, hoping to drift off to sleep again. His life is changed, it feels a shift in his paradigm but in the right direction. He smiles to himself thinking over what she's brought to his life.

When he comes off stage, exhausted, but still on fire with adrenaline, she holds him, and soothes him. It means everything to him to have this out in the open and to feel free to express this side of himself. There was a piece of him locked away, that is finally free, and it's given him more confidence, more fuel for his creativity. Of course he was worried about what sort of backlash they would get, for coming out to the world, by being "caught" kissing in public. But planning a reveal at such an appropriate place, at a wall dedicated to love around the globe, to people coming together to overcome their own fears and weakness, to find a way forward, was the best way to do it.

Instead of being chased down, or confronted, by photographers trying to find scandal, they were quietly photographed, with his knowledge and consent, and as he planned, as they shared a moment, uninterrupted. Then they returned to the hotel together, to spend their time basking in the glow of new love, without the worry of what this would mean to anyone else. The pictures splashed about on the internet weren't mere gossip, they were the first step in announcing their shared life. He sees those images of them embracing in front of the wall, as souvenirs of their time in Paris, and the first images for the scrap book of their life together.

His song, "Girl With The Pink Hair" was released that same day, giving no chance for any misunderstanding. It made their relationship instantly clear and acknowledged and the public knowledge of it appeared to be sanctioned by the company, even though the company had no idea. They would not be able to send her away from him now that everything was out in the open. The song had charted in many countries, perhaps buoyed even higher by the curiosity of the general public to know more about them. They likely have new fans because of it. He had planned its release to happen on that morning, assuming at the time that it would be after the talk he intended to have with her. That night after the first Paris concert, he intended to confess to her; maybe not everything he thought and felt, his shell was still too thick, but he planned to confess his need for her, and take the relationship beyond the arrangement. If that had gone to plan, the song would have been a curious choice for a title with no context to the public, or to the label, but she would have understood his offering. She would have known it was his gift to her.

He didn't expect to walk into the public storm of the press thinking she was secretly with Namjoon. He was angry because he knew the release of the song couldn't be stopped now, and the entire world would see pictures of Namjoon beside a girl with pink hair and it would create a devastating avalanche of media attention. He had no idea how they would explain it, but in truth he wasn't worried about what the PR spin would be. It hurt more than he could imagine to arrange to send her home, but he was fueled by his anger and his embarrassment.

That night, that fight, he pushed her away as hard as he could, but wouldn't let himself ruin it all. Something inside him, some faint glimmer of hope for a better future, began as a spark, and ignited into a raging fire. It ended his protective shell. The barrier he'd put up against letting anyone in, against allowing himself to love, was consumed in the blaze. The scars of his past pain left as embers in the pyre, but no longer able to wound him. He felt a lightness, and a comfort he didn't think possible.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat