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She turns her head away, unable to face him, even the back of him, and she inhales deeply, holding her breath in an attempt to stifle the tears she feels wetting the corner of her eyes. She squeezes her hands together, trying to focus on anything other than the immediate shock of him sending her away. This is not what she expected. This isn't what she wanted. But this is not her choice to make. And her reaction, can't be the one she's having now! She tightly closes her eyes, exhaling slowly to gain control of her emotions.

Her hands shake as she releases her breath, but she breathes slowly, and focuses on releasing the tension. Once she calms herself, and stops her feelings, her honest feelings, she can project what's expected of her. She takes one more deep breath, wondering exactly what to say to him when she turns to face him.

Yoongi stands still with his back to her, but he's listening intently. He might be holding his own breath as he focuses on every tiny noise he hears from her, and tries to identify what the noise might be, and what it means. He realizes, fully, that this will be a surprise to her, and perhaps that it's a disappointment. Maybe she hoped to go along to the concert and hang around with him and the members before the show. He looks down, feeling disappointed in himself.

He expected she would stay with him most nights, and now at the first sign of stress, he's sending her away. It's his own fault. She did everything she was supposed to do, she played her part perfectly, and it's just his own weakness that's messed this up. When he hired someone to pretend to be his girlfriend, he did it so he would have all of this, everything she's done for him, the companionship, the friendship, the care. But he's ruining the plan. He's supposed to go do what he wants, come back and have her waiting to take care of him, and nothing more. He's supposed to keep feelings out of this arrangement. But when he looks at her sometimes, her glow is too bright. He feels as though he's being pulled in and if he lets himself feel, he won't be able to pull back when he needs to. Sometimes, being with her, like tonight, seeing her with his members, when she touches him, when she kisses him, he feels so connected to her it scares the hell out of him.

If he can get control of whatever he's feeling, and mask it, and not let it interfere with his life, then this arrangement can carry on and be exactly what he needs, and even more than he'd hoped for. But if he can't stop confusing himself about how he feels, how he really feels, then he's going to have to end this. He hangs his head, wondering what she's doing now. Is she waiting for him to say more? Is there more he can say without giving all of this away to her?

Soo Ah dredges up all of her courage and turns towards him, his back is still to her. She smiles, awkwardly, biting her lip, unsure. His head lifts up, as though he's listening to her and she is forced into action. She nods to herself, acknowledging that he's asking for what he needs from her, even if that isn't her. And she knows that she has to do this, right now, before she loses her nerve. She steps up behind him, and leans up on tiptoes, bringing her body close to him. She tentatively places her hand on his shoulder, gently, and she whispers to him.

"OK Jagi, call me when you need me." And she leans closer, to press her lips against his neck just behind his ear. She can't help but hold her lips there a moment longer than she should, as she inhales the scent of him, almost trying to memorize it. She lowers herself down, pulls her hand away, and turns toward the door.

The door is so damn far away, and it feels like it takes ages for her to make this walk across the suite. Her heart is beating loudly in her chest and she wants to turn and look back at him, and, she hopes that he will be looking at her, but she isn't brave enough. If she turns and he isn't looking at her, she knows her heart will break, and that is completely unacceptable. She was not supposed to have any feelings for him. She told herself she wouldn't fall for him. He even warned her not to fall for him. She can't keep this job if she falls for him.

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