The Agreement

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"It is a role, it's an acting job," he defends himself before he continues. "But it isn't for the screen. I want you to play the part of a girlfriend." She regards him, perhaps even more interested.

"Your girlfriend?" she asks. He nods.

"Not a real girlfriend, I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend but I am asking you to play the role." He watches how her face changes as this explanation settles.

"So, you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend for appearances?" she questions. He shakes his head.

"No, the press can't find out about you. You have to be like an actual girlfriend and hide and not be seen with me publicly," he explains. She nods as though this makes sense.

"So, if it isn't for appearances, what do I do in the role as your girlfriend?" He smiles, knowing she is ready to hear the whole plan, the plan he thought about all afternoon, all evening and night, and most of the morning today.

"I want a companion. I'm about to go on tour. I don't want to be alone," he begins. She leans forward.

"Forgive me Oppa," she says, suddenly very familiar. "but why don't you just bring an actual girlfriend with you? Why would you pay someone to play the role?"

"Because I don't want the drama of a real girlfriend. I'm not a very good boyfriend. I work all the time, I have to travel the world, every evening I'm on stage, every night I'm stuck in a hotel room. I work on music until I can't keep my eyes open and I don't want to go to bed every night alone and wake up alone," he admits. She frowns at what she perceives he's asking for.

"I'm not a sex worker. I'm not going to sleep with you just so you won't be alone. I don't care how much you offer me," she says firmly. He smiles at her, expecting this.

"You do not have to sleep with me, not in that way. It's purely companionship. No sex." She looks at him, narrowing her gaze as if she doesn't believe him. "I promise you can even have your own hotel room in every city. I just want you to stay with me until I fall asleep at least. I don't sleep well. I sleep better if - " he looks down embarrassed. "Well, I sleep better if I can be next to someone, I mean, to hold someone." He looks away, trying to avoid her eyes.

"You want me to sleep with you, to hold you? But not have sex?" she asks, in disbelief. "Why me?" He looks back at her.

"You said you could be whatever I wanted you to be," he quotes her words at the audition.

"But surely, there are a thousand girls, in this city even, who would do anything to be your girlfriend." He reaches across the table and takes her hand in his, holding it firmly.

"You see that's just why. I don't want someone who is going to be mad at me because they can't go out with me in public or go to awards shows or appearances. I'm sick of explaining that we can't go out to dinner and I am hardly ever available and when I am available I want to spend all my time in the studio or working on music." He finishes his explanation and then realizes he's still holding her hand. He pulls back quickly.

"So, I don't get to spend time with you in public, and I don't get to go out to dinner with you, and we don't have sex, but I'm your girlfriend?" she questions, still trying to make some sense of this odd plan. He nods. "And I get paid, to what? Cuddle you?" She giggles as she suggests it. He laughs too.

"Yeah, I guess so, sort of. I like the idea of having you there to talk to, to be close, the way a girlfriend would be, but then I have to go to work and don't need a girlfriend." She smiles at an idea as she considers but then she looks up quickly with a new concern.

"What do I do during the time you're working? Do I just sit in a room alone?" she frowns as if this will decide her verdict.

"No, no, not at all. Since you aren't my actual girlfriend you can go out and explore the cities, do what you want. As long as the press don't know who you are, you can do as you please."

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