Paris Day One

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(A/N: I have now been within 10 feet of MYG, if not less. I am forever changed. I have two more concerts, but I wish I could see every concert on this tour, and, actually, I wish I could see him every day, for the rest of my life. Is that too selfish? x )

Soo Ah got up very early the next morning, something she hadn't yet done when she was with Yoongi. She had already reached out to Jongdae to remind him of his obligation as her chaperone. She has her day planned with sight seeing and shopping activities, and has decided not to worry about the alerts, or the looming airport arrival, or the coded information on the itinerary.

The members will have landed already by the time she leaves, but they have to go straight to a different hotel to meet some local press, and offer some sound bites and grab headlines before they have free time, and before she can even hope to see Yoongi. She expects it will be just like their first day in London. It would likely be hours waiting, and maybe when he gets to the hotel, he'd expect her to be there, sitting and waiting for him, as she had been. She had checked out his room, just to see how amazing it was compared to hers, and she had a cup of tea, and read for a bit, but this time, she plans to not be there waiting all day, and maybe she won't pay as much attention to her phone today, and try to focus on enjoying Paris. A small part of her hopes that he does look for her, and wonders where she is, and why she isn't with him, and maybe even misses having her around.

That's a big hope she isn't sure will prove true. He's probably spent years filling every moment of his day so he doesn't have time to think about what he might be missing. If he thought too hard about missing his family or friends, he never would have lasted for years as a trainee. The music fills all the voids in his life, and he seems happy with that. She doesn't think it's enough, not for the rest of your life, but it's clear to her that he does. He gets what he needs from people and then disappears, and probably stops thinking about them; and about her, when they aren't together. She hopes she's wrong about all of this and that his future can be different than his past.

Jongdae knocks on her door, right on time, just as she is finished getting ready. She looks up at him through the peep hole, and smiles as she senses how nervous he is, looking from side to side in the hallway as though he's wondering if anyone is watching him. She's nervous too, she never took a word of French language in school, and she spent almost no time looking at the translation app Yoongi installed. But, she put on one of the nicer designer outfits he bought her, and she decided to fake it, again.

She opens the door, smiling in a warm greeting. She ties a scarf around her neck, pulling sunglasses from her small purse and then she poses in the doorway for him to approve. He blushes and tries to hide his smile.

"You look very beautiful Miss Kim," he says shyly. She waves off the compliment, secretly enjoying it, and shuts the door behind her.

"It's Soo Ah, please, all day." She laughs. He bows to her to let her know he understands but he doesn't use her name. She breezes past him to walk toward the elevator, and she turns back to look at Yoongi's suite, still empty, for now, and for the next few hours. "I sure hope you know some French," she says as the elevator arrives and she steps on. He freezes in place, and she turns to look at him. His eyes drop as he shakes his head.

"No, I'm so sorry I am not very good with languages," he apologizes. She smiles, expecting this. She reaches out and takes hold of his arm, pulling him onto the elevator.

"Then we will just have to figure it out as we go." She smiles over at him, reassuringly. She takes a moment to gather her courage, knowing that this is the right thing to do. He looks back at her, slightly less worried about accompanying her. He knows she can't go out alone, Yoongi wouldn't want that. He hopes he can do whatever he needs to in order to keep him happy. He takes a deep breath as the elevator closes.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora