A Chance

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Soo Ah sits alone in the living room of his suite. She hasn't seen anyone since they all left to go to the concert several hours ago. They finished working on their song for the day and Yoongi had just enough time to kiss her goodbye before they all left with their security members. She knew she was required to be in for the night, because Jongdae was not available to be with her, but it honestly didn't bother her. She has no where else to go, nothing more important than this. There is no where else she wants to be.

At times it could seem to others to be a sort of half life; waiting on him, but the truth is, if someone asked her right now what she wanted more than anything, it would be to be with him. It's hard to admit that to herself understanding her predicament; that she is only paid to be with him, and that anything more, any more attention he offers her is just part of her role; and that role has an end date. It seemed so far in the future when this started, but now she dreads what will happen when she gets to the end of this ride.

She will go home to her empty apartment and her part time acting job, and the family she's sending money to now will likely only be upset when that money stops. She hasn't had contact with anyone from her real life since this began. She hasn't reached out to her parents, she hasn't spoken to anyone since she left. She's not even been out of this room without him since she arrived.

She was never afraid to be alone in Seoul, she would go anywhere and do anything, but this is different. Here, she's a foreigner, and most of the time, she feels out of place, if she isn't beside him. She looks around the space, remembering meeting the other members and watching them interact. She felt a bit like a hostess around them, feeling the need to take care of each of them, to support him, and she enjoyed that role. She'd love to continue that role, and she would probably give up everything that was in her life before, because now, that all seems so meaningless. His world seems so important and purposeful, and he impacts so many people's lives, but, it isn't just that. It isn't the lifestyle or the fame. The way she feels being with him, being needed by him, is a feeling she's never experienced.  He makes her feel a sense of belonging she hasn't experienced before. With him, she feels whole.

She had nearly drifted off to sleep when she heard the keypad on the door alert, startling her wide awake. She jumps up from her spot on the couch, dropping her journal to the floor. She doesn't stop to pick it up, she rushes towards him as he comes through the suite door, alone. He smiles at her, pleased to see her and she fights her urge to rush into his arms and hold him, instead she steps up beside him and runs her hand over his back as if soothing him. He looks exhausted with a sheen of sweat still in his hair, but his expression is one of excitement.

"How was the concert?" He nods to her, as he looks at the piano behind her.

"Even better than the last," he responds, leaning his cheek out to her for a kiss. She leans up on tiptoes and kisses him dutifully. His skin is cold from the air outside. She wonders if she shouldn't make him a hot drink.

"Can I order anything for you?" He shakes his head as he steps further into the room and he notices her journal on the floor.

"Were you adding to your notes?" he asks, as he walks toward the couch. She shakes her head.

"No, I was just reading it over, but I can make you a cup of tea if you want," she offers. He reaches behind the couch and pulls out the acoustic guitar in its case. She hasn't seen him use the guitar yet, he's only been at the piano. She watches him as she sets the journal off to the side.

"During the show I had an idea for a song, do you mind if I work on it for a bit?"

He sits down on the couch and opens the case. She watches him pull out a beautiful black guitar with a Pearl rosette surrounding the soundhole. He positions his hands on the guitar and pauses. She wonders if she should leave him alone to work out his ideas, but he looks up at her, and smiles warmly. He reaches his hand over and pats the couch cushion next to him inviting her to sit down. A warm glow rises up inside her and she fights to hide her smile as she takes a seat on the couch next to him.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ