Some Truths

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"I'm sorry, please excuse me for a moment," she says, coughing as she stands from the table, and moves away from them. Yoongi watches her closely. She heads toward the bathroom inside the bedroom and Yoongi's eyes follow her until she's left the room. He looks up at Hoseok and shrugs. Hoseok turns his attention back to his plate.

Soo Ah closes herself into the bathroom and runs the cold water in the sink, splashing it onto her face to bring down the heat from her embarrassment. She pats her skin dry with a towel nearby and she stares back at herself in the mirror, wiping the smudged mascara from her eye. She sighs. She wasn't expecting to have to face Namjoon again so soon. It's not something she shared with Yoongi, but when she told him that he wasn't her bias, she wasn't just teasing him, it was true. It had been true, in the past, before she knew Yoongi.

It seems ridiculous now, to have had a favorite among people she didn't know and had never met, but, everyone does, she tells herself. She just liked his attitude, and the idea that he was the leader was appealing, but, she also thought they might have something more in common. Those are all things fans tell themselves, without ever expecting to meet them in person. She never expected to meet him, and although she saw them all on stage at the concert, she wasn't expecting to meet him backstage, and she didn't know how to behave in front of him, and, in front of Yoongi. She should have perhaps prepared herself for this inevitability, but, as with most of her decisions, she just leapt, and trusted the universe to keep her on the right path.

She really doesn't want to admit to Yoongi that Namjoon was her bias, because that wouldn't be something you'd admit to a boyfriend, not at the start of a relationship. But then, they aren't actually in a relationship, she reminds herself. She sighs, again, feeling foolish. She fixes her hair, and looks back at her reflection. She's going to pull it together, and just act natural around him, around them both. She doesn't want either of them to feel uncomfortable, and she definitely doesn't want to make a fool of herself. Whatever they need to work on, she can easily occupy herself with something else and not disturb them. A real girlfriend would be happy to let Yoongi work with his members and do what he needs to do. She nods at her reflection, when she is sure that she's ready to face them all.

She leaves the bathroom, and her eyes are drawn to the light next to her side of the bed. Her locket is sitting on the nightstand, so she takes the opportunity to put it back on, admiring it. She opens it quickly to look at her Grandmother's picture inside. There is a quiet reassurance in her warm smile and friendly expression. She always championed her, even when her parents couldn't. Her grandmother understood her, maybe better than she understood herself.

"I can do this!" she tells the image, almost trying to convince herself. She smiles and steps out of the bedroom to see Yoongi sat at the piano with Hoseok nearby, and Namjoon, already arrived, hovers over the coffee carafe on the table. He looks up at her and smiles in recognition. The dimples on his cheeks make her temporarily forget herself and she blinks several times as she stares blankly back at him. It takes several seconds before she gets herself together. She smiles at him in a pleasant greeting, a perfectly normal pleasant greeting and no one can tell that she's shaking a little, she hopes.

"Soo Ah, nice to see you again," he calls over, and she bows, perhaps a little lower than she intended too. She looks up and sees Yoongi watching her. He gets up from the piano bench and walks toward her quickly.

"There you are Jagi, I hope you're feeling better now." He surprises her by wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her closer.

She looks up at him, unsure of his intent. He leans in, pressing his forehead to hers and then, without warning, he kisses her. He pulls her closer to his body, and holds her locked in his arms for a moment that feels too long with two people watching them. When he pulls back, he smiles at her and turns back to the others who are staring at him, surprised by his display. He walks with her toward Namjoon, his arm still tightly wrapped around her middle, as though he's protecting her, or claiming her.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz