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A/N 232104: STREAM D-DAY and be fueled by all his ferocity, and by the depth of his expressions and his feelings! What a world we get to live in to have Min Yoongi sharing this music!

She suddenly feels dizzy as his hands squeeze her tighter, pulling her into his body, trying to get even closer. She isn't sure if she's standing on her own, or being held up by his arms. His kiss is powerful, and needy, his strong tongue pushes between her lips, pressing hard against hers. Her hands slide over his back, clinging to him as she lets her body gradually release all the tension inside her, built up in her longing and ache for his touch.

"Tell me what you want," he says, his voice low and quiet as he catches his breath before kissing her again.

She dreamed of a kiss like this; breaking through the hard barrier he's built up over so many years and feeling his heart open to her. Inside his arms, she feels safe confessing her feelings to him.

"I want you. I want to be yours," she whispers between his kisses.

His head is swirling with the feeling of her soft lips and the scent of her skin. This is different than any kiss they have shared because no one is watching, and because of that, he knows it is desire fueling it. His fingers slide down from her hair over her shoulder and brush down the front of her body, making her back arch as his hand slides over her breast covered by the thin fabric of her clothing.

His lips never release her, but she feels suddenly as though she's weightless, moving through space. She doesn't realize he's laid her back until she feels the pillowy duvet under her. He follows her down, the weight of him pressed firm against her, making her gasp to feel his need. His hand slides down the side of her body, to her hip and he raises her leg up to drop down over the back of his dark jeans. His hand slips under the fabric of her billowy skirt to cusp her bare skin.

His lips pull back from hers, as his head spins. The feel of her soft skin at his fingertips ignites a fire within him. His lips brush over the skin of her cheek, to her neck, and his tongue slides across her skin making her shudder with the intensity of every nerve ending coming alive at his touch.

"You're so beautiful Jagi," he whispers as he leaves kitten soft kisses on her neck. He wants to say more, he wants to tell her how he feels, but presses his lips against her skin, stopping his confession.

She turns her head to the side, enjoying the feeling as his tongue traces a line against her skin. She writhes under his body, feeling connected to him. It's exactly what she'd hoped for; feeling his desperation to touch her, to kiss her, no matter what the consequences. His body presses against her, pushing her deeper into the duvet.

"Can we really do this?" she whispers unconsciously, grabbing at his shirt, lifting it from his pants to touch the skin just above his waistband. His stomach muscles flinch at her touch, and then, everything stops.

He pauses at her words, considering, his lips still pressed against her neck, but no longer moving. The pause gives her a moment to understand what she has just said, and she realizes the mistake she's made instantly. Her head throbs with adrenaline pulsing through her veins as she lies frozen in place, waiting for him to respond. She wants him to pull her even closer and say 'yes!' She wants to hear him confess how he feels about her, because she knows there is something beyond casual need or passing interest.

He slowly lifts his body, and pulls back from her. She rises to follow him up, her hands still on his waist, touching his skin, refusing to release him, hoping she can pull him back down. She watches, helplessly, as he looks away from her, his face in a grimace, almost in pain. She reaches up and turns his face back towards her, trying to make him look into her eyes so he can see how much she wants him. She feels desperate to take back the question, and remove his doubt.

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