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Sometime before the sun rise, with the pink glow of morning light seeping into the bedroom, Yoongi shifts, in a disturbed sleep. Another bad dream, fueled by worry, or doubt, or too much drink. It's not uncommon for him to have nightmares before such a big undertaking. The tour will take a lot of effort physically and emotionally. There will be extreme highs and lows, and no real escape from it, no freedom to just wander around the corner and meet a friend for a coffee or sit in his studio all day and work on music. The experience takes a toll, even as it gives him so much love and adoration. He whimpers quietly at the struggle, and he begins to jerk his limbs, and toss his head at the imaginary foe he battles in his slumber.

She rolls over, in her sleep, and her hand slides across his bare stomach; her cool hand settling his fiery skin with just a touch, and she moves her body closer to him. The weight of her pressing against him calms his body. His arms reach down to wrap around her and pull her close into his embrace. He holds her tightly in his arms until their slow breathing falls into sync. His muscles relax, lulled by her presence, until he lies perfectly still. He sinks deeper into the stage of sleep after dreams, the more restful sleep, when the body and mind begin to repair the damage of the day.


She wakes up, early, just as the sun is rising, and she senses the brightness in the room. The warmth of his body under her makes her feel secure and she smiles as she slides her hand over his chest, stopping only when she becomes conscious that she is touching bare skin. Her eyes open wide as a jolt of understanding hits her and she raises her head to look up at him as he sleeps, a half smile on his face. She looks down to see her hand touching his chest, and she raises herself up a little farther to see that he's only wearing his boxers. Her eyes pop open instantly and she sits up like a shot as panic rushes through her. She looks down to see she is wearing her t-shirt and the shorts she fell asleep in, and she feels a moments relief. She isn't sure what she thought might have happened, because it couldn't have happened, but, she remembers feeling a closeness with him, a connection to his body she thought she only dreamed.

She looks over at the clock on his side of the bed and realizes she still has several hours until the car comes for her. She smiles at the sight of him, almost naked, lying next to her. She moves the duvet over him, covering him and she has to fight back the smile at the idea of being that close to him. She wonders what made him feel so comfortable that he would fall asleep next to her half dressed. But, she remembers him coming in late, or was it early, smelling of whisky and stumbling around.

She doesn't know where he was or who he was with, and she had worried about what it meant, that he sent her home. She wanted to spend her last night with him. She needed to be next to him to ward off the fear of what's to come, and maybe to convince herself that she's making the right choice. She may not have any right to expect this from him, but she was hopeful, just the same.

Wherever he was, and whoever he was with, he came home alone, he came home to her. She watches his face, seeing that his eyes remain closed and his breathing is heavy and slow. He's at peace, he's happy.  She thinks he might have had a rough night, and she remembers him tossing and turning. She remembers trying to soothe him, and stop the raging inside. And he was calmed, when she held him. She finds relief at remembering it all now, it wasn't a dream, she held him last night and it gave him comfort. She knows she can do this. She knows she can play this role in his life, and she knows now that she wants to.

She slowly and carefully lifts the duvet to get out of bed, trying not to wake him, and she tiptoes into the bathroom to turn on the shower. She undresses and steps in quickly, feeling the need to just wash away all of yesterday's fear, all the tension and uncertainty, let all the worry drain from her body and focus on what she knows she can do, what she can be.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن