Facing The Truth

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Yoongi opens the door to his suite, and he sighs as he closes the door behind him softly, to not draw attention from the security across the hall. Soo Ah was furious, and that he could handle; he's seen it all before, but her heartache was unbearable. The pain in her eyes is something he's never experienced. He wanted to grab her and hold her, to try to stop her tears. He wished he could have said different words to make her react differently. Some of the words that came out of his mouth, he instantly regretted saying, but he couldn't bring himself to back down, to take it back and make it better. He still managed to leave, when she asked him to, because he knew he had nothing to offer her, he couldn't give her what she wanted.

He enters the suite and is surprised to find the light on, and to see Namjoon sat on his living room couch, reading. He turns to look back at the door behind him, confused, wondering who let him in, and wondering if he heard any of the argument next door, wondering now if the security staff heard them. He walks toward Namjoon who is deeply engrossed in the book in his hands and hasn't noticed him come in.

"Joon, why are you here?" he asks, startling him from the pages. His expression is serious and it makes Yoongi worried. "Is everything alright?"

Namjoon sits up, looking flustered and unsure. It makes Yoongi feel even more nervous.

"Hyung? I- I came to find you because I heard about what happened. SangHyun said he wasn't sure when you'd be back, but I wanted to be sure you were ok."

"What did you hear, from who?"

"Luna said you ran after a girl with pink hair and I realized what must have happened, but-" Yoongi interrupts him.

"It was a mistake, she's upset, but, it wasn't going to happen, what she thought was happening I mean. She got it wrong, she'll come around," he says, rambling, completely unsure if what he's saying is really possible. Namjoon motions for him to sit down near him.

"Hyung, there is more. I need to talk to you, and I guess it's good she isn't here." Yoongi takes a seat beside him.

"Who? Luna? I would never have brought her back here even if -" Namjoon stops him.

"No, Soo Ah. There is something you need to know about her." He looks back at Namjoon confused. "I don't even know how to tell you this." He shakes his head as though he can't find the words, and can't quite believe what he needs to say.

"You're scaring me, what's going on?" He sits up stiff and rigid, waiting to find out what could be worse than what's already happened. Namjoon holds up the red book he had been reading.

"Soo Ah, she's not who you think she is. I found this, while I was waiting for you." Yoongi recognizes it right away as her journal, and he thinks nothing of it.

"That's Soo Ah's journal." He stops himself from saying that she leaves it in his room all the time, because he won't know that she has a different room. Namjoon looks down at the pages in front of him.

"It's full of stuff about you, and about us. It's lists of things like what you like and don't like, what time you eat, what drinks you prefer, what colors you wear..." He flips through the pages as if to emphasize his point. "It's page after page of information she's gathered, like, some sort of stalker."

Yoongi realizes instantly what this looks like, and why Namjoon is so concerned. His mouth drops open. He isn't sure what he can say to this. Namjoon reaches out his hand and places it on Yoongi's shoulder, perhaps to comfort him for the shock he assumes he must be going through. Yoongi shakes his head and reaches for the book.

"It isn't like that," he says meekly. Namjoon shakes his head.

"Hyung we have to tell security, we might even want to call the police." Yoongi looks up at him quickly, the look on Namjoon's face is fear. He shakes his head again, hoping to find a way to answer him that doesn't give away the full story.

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