A Wish Fulfilled

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Soo Ah tries to hide the smile on her face, as she sits beside Jongdae in the car heading toward the stadium. She may never have been so relieved to get a text as she was when she realized he wanted her to be with him. The text came as she stood looking at the borrowed suitcase, open across the bed, wondering if it was worth getting dressed at all since she's not going out. She had showered and tried on several outfits, mostly out of boredom, and although she liked the outfit she was wearing, and wished she had somewhere to go to show it off, she was fearful of going out on her own.

She sent her text the moment she thought he might have finished soundcheck and maybe have some time waiting for hair and make up. She thought she would have the best chance of getting a response when he had free time. When he hadn't replied, her heart sank, wondering if she crossed the line again, and if she should just disappear when she wasn't with him and let him focus only on what he had to do. Obviously what he has to do is a priority. Performing a sold out show; four sold out shows, is something truly remarkable and it will take all his energy and concentration. She does understand that he must focus entirely on that.

She wouldn't have bothered him in character, as the pretend girlfriend. If she was following a script, she would let him get on with his work, but deep down, she couldn't let this moment pass without at least letting him know she was cheering for him, from afar. It felt important for her to express that. When the text came back to her, right before she calculated that he would be taking the stage, she felt a wave of happiness wash over her, as though she'd just submerged her body into warm water, and the comfort it brought her was palpable.

Jongdae had also gotten a text instructing him to bring her, so when she knocked on his door, he already knew why. A good security team, is preemptive and expects what happens next. He had a car waiting, expecting that Yoongi would want her to be at the stadium with him, and he kept the car on standby all afternoon, expecting that he would change his mind and ask her to come. Jongdae senses there is something different in Yoongi's manner when he's with Soo Ah, perhaps he's a little less intimidating. Perhaps he likes this Min Yoongi a little more.

"Will this be your first concert?" he asks, startling her from her daydream. She smiles and nods quickly. She leans closer and almost whispers.

"Is it your first concert too?" He's surprised by the question, but, since he hasn't been with them very long, it is his first concert. He smiles and nods quickly at her, sensing that she won't judge him, and it's ok to admit. They share a knowing smile before she turns back to the window to look out at the streets passing by.

Jongdae watches her looking out the buildings, noticing the amazement she seems to have, as though it's a new experience. He feels happy to be assigned to Soo Ah. He was very nervous about the idea of being stuck on 'girlfriend duty.' Some of the other security staff he'd been in training with said sometimes artists have girlfriends that are really demanding and difficult, and they don't treat staff well. He supposed the prettier the girls were, or the wealthier they were in their own right, maybe the nicer they would be because they didn't have to feel insecure or as though they had to prove their status. Soo Ah is very pretty. He blushed when he saw her the first time and tried to hide it. He hoped she would also be nice and recognize he was doing his best, because upsetting Min Yoongi was the last thing he wanted to experience.

She treated him like an equal. She was grateful for his help, and she asked him repeatedly to drop the formality even when he wasn't sure he should. She's very down to earth for someone who runs in those circles; those rich and famous circles, wearing beautiful designer clothes and not having to worry about money. Somehow, she didn't fit the idea he had of what a girlfriend of someone quite so famous would be like, but he's glad to be with her now, and to be keeping her safe and happy.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu