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He gasps at the words, feeling the air sucked out of him and unable to stop the blood from rushing from his head. Her lips press a tiny kiss on his neck. His mind races with thoughts, wondering if she's really awake, if she realizes what she's said, and what to say back. He feels her body press closer to his, the lace from the bodysuit tickling his skin and filling his head with images. He looks down at her soft hair and he can't stop himself from running his hand over it, stroking it gently. She tilts her head back at his touch, her dark lashes closed and her lips slightly parted and he stares down at her.

He realizes now that she's asleep, fully asleep, and unaware of what she said. He frowns as he stares down at her wishing she was awake, wishing she had said those words directly to him while conscious because how different it would be right now if she had. He wouldn't be able to resist her, he wouldn't be able to pretend he isn't feeling the same things. He's been keeping it from her, until now. He swallows hard, realizing she's been keeping something from him too. She's hiding her true feelings. He warned her not to fall for him. He knew this would cause more complications and it would be harder for them to continue on with their arrangement.

It doesn't matter that he wants things to change, that he wants more from her, and that he's secretly happy that she feels the same way about him. He signed that agreement knowing it was what was best for him, knowing he didn't need a girlfriend and didn't want a girlfriend and it doesn't matter that he wants her, really wants her so badly, and he's flooded with emotions at being this close to her, knowing that she wants more from him. None of that should matter, because she agreed not to push him for more, not to be a real girlfriend, and he agreed to keep his hands to himself. He's mad at himself for thinking this, he's aware that his hand is sliding down the back of her bodysuit, sliding over her bottom and cupping her cheek, just at the space where her leg is lifted to wrap around his.

He pulls back, chastising himself for being weak. He can't let this happen. He wants it to happen, he wants it to happen more than he wants anything right now. Right this moment, he aches for her touch, and he's desperate to kiss her again, and slide his hands over her naked breast. He wants to pull her closer, let her climb on top of him and hover over him as she kisses him with all the longing and desire she has. He's overwhelmed with the thoughts of her body connected to his, of feeling himself slipping inside her clingy heat and feeling the intensity of her body squeezing him tightly. He whimpers, unable to stop himself, as he feels how hard he's become, and the pain of aching for release is almost too great to bear.

She shifts her body slightly at the sound of his whine, and he bites his lip to stop himself from making anymore sounds and waking her. If she wakes, this will be a very different night. If she looks into his eyes, she's going to see all of his desire, and she's going to feel his need for her. He shifts his body, trying to pull away from her and it makes her reach out to him, from her sleep. She wraps her hand around his waist and she shushes him softly.

"Shhh, shhhh, shhhh, it's OK Jagi, I'm here, I'm never going to leave you," she whispers in response to what she might have perceived was another bad dream. He purses his lips, wishing things were different, wishing she would just wake up so he can confront this right now, once and for all. But, he's also a little thrilled that she is asleep, and won't remember this moment, or expect anything from him in the morning. He slides his hand over the thin strap on her shoulder.

"I wish I could peel this off of you and kiss every inch of your body," he whispers, suddenly feeling bold enough to say it now that he knows she's asleep.

"You make me feel so good, being around you makes me feel like everything is right in the world, and lying here next to you, I feel whole," he continues, feeling more emboldened as he speaks to her. He looks down and traces the curve of her cheek with his fingertip. She doesn't respond. Her face looks serene in her slumber. He places his hand over her heart, lightly feeling the curve of her breast under the lace.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Where stories live. Discover now