Dinner Time

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Soo Ah has been sat with her journal, making note of every detail she can think of from the past few meetings, including what he was like in his office, and during her first audition. She fills several pages with questions to ask him, questions he promised to answer after breakfast, but was already in his studio room working, and was unavailable.

Her first question might be, is there anyone else who might consider you their boyfriend that she should be aware of. She isn't worried about a confrontation, not while they're traveling, but, shouldn't she be aware of  previous relationships, in case it comes up, with the other members. She frowns at the idea that she's going to meet all of the other members, soon. She would never have imagined there would be an occasion when she would meet them all. Maybe in her wildest dreams she would be at the same awards show with them, but, that is about as much as she had ever thought about it. They seem very down to earth, despite being world famous for over a decade. She isn't worried about meeting them, or traveling in their company. She's really worried only about convincing them that she is Yoongi's girlfriend. If they really don't know about his arrangement, it could be very embarrassing for them both if she fails.

She takes another sip of Soju and lays back against the small couch, dropping her slippers to the floor to rest her feet on the soft fabric. She is unsure why he feels the need to pretend in front of the other members. She would expect them to be as close as brothers, and they wouldn't like to find out later it had all been a lie. How will he explain her absence in three months time? Maybe he plans to just say they broke up, and leave it at that. Maybe it's true, that they don't ask much of his girlfriends, or maybe this isn't the first time he's done something like this. The thought, once it comes to her, makes her sit up quickly, shocked at the suggestion, but she gets out her notebook, and writes down one more question for him...

have you ever had a hired girlfriend before? If so, how did it "end" ?

She stares at the words on the page and then frowns. She can't ask him this outright. She scratches out the question several times before she closes the journal. She sets it aside on the table and pulls down the book he was reading. She takes the final sip of the Soju, straight from the bottle, before opening the pages of his book. He's got to come out of his studio to eat soon. Then the real fun can begin, her new role. She smiles to herself, and settles down on the couch, feet up, to read until he's ready to join her.


It's completely dark when Min Yoongi emerges from his studio space in his apartment. There are no lights on but he shuffles expertly through the hallway toward his living room as though he trod this path a thousand times in the night. He's been working for so many hours he's lost track of the time. He's almost positive the trouble he was having with that one song is over, and he spent all afternoon refining the changes he made. He had sudden inspiration, as soon as he sat down at the mix board, and all the ideas just flowed naturally, as if they had been there all along and all he needed to do was flip a switch and there they were. He would have stayed working if his stomach hadn't reminded him that he hadn't eaten anything all day.

He wanders past the dark living room and into the kitchen, switching on the light. He walks straight to the refrigerator to see what he might have on hand and he stares, confused, at the bowls of prepped food. His mouth drops open as he tries to work out when his Housekeeper might have left this. He pulls back the cover and sees its Bulgogi and he smiles as he smells the marinade, inhaling the scent of ginger and brown sugar, mixed with the garlic and onion. It makes his stomach growl in anticipation.

He turns around to set the bowl on the counter, and as he bends down to get the grill out of a cabinet, he freezes, suddenly remembering; his housekeeper won't be back until next week, until after he has left for Europe. He isn't alone in this house. He stands up quickly looking around the room, almost expecting to see someone else. He remembers her now; Soo Ah. He had been so lost in his music he had forgotten he is now living with a 'girlfriend'. He sets the grill aside and he walks out of the kitchen, looking at the dark house, and wondering where she might be. He walks over near the windows, to pull the curtains closed for the evening and he turns to switch on the lamp next to the sofa. He's startled to see her sleeping figure, stretched out across his couch.

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