A Night to Remember 18+

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"But, how did-?" she starts to question him, surprised by his change, and he lifts her body up, pushing her up against the wall as he kisses her lips, stopping her questions.

He pulls her toward the doorway to his suite, continuing to kiss her as he slides a card, and enters a code without once looking at the door, refusing to turn away from her.  He pushes his weight against it and as the door swings open, he pulls her inside the suite.

"Yoongi-" she whispers as she allows him to lead her deeper into the room. He quiets her, stopping her mouth with his kiss.

"I'm sorry, Jagi. I don't want you to leave," he moans as he slides his hands down her body, pulling her tighter against him.

She pulls back from the kiss, pushing her hand against his chest to hold him at a distance while she studies him, trying to make sense of the shift in his behavior. He pauses only a moment, looking at her, looking down over her robe, knowing what is underneath it, and then lunges towards her, dragging his lips over hers.

"Tell me what you want?" she whispers, as he kisses her neck, and pulls at the collar of the robe, tugging it down off her shoulder so his lips can continue their path across her skin.

"I want you. I want to be yours," he repeats the words she spoke to him that night, before he stopped her.

He'd thought of those words for hours after, wishing he'd made a different choice, and wishing he could have let her into his heart. The wall he built to protect himself he thought was so strong, and so high; he thought it was impenetrable...but it crumbled so easily once he understood what losing her would mean. There is no barrier between them now. The feeling of freedom, and the connection to her, sends a rush through his body, radiating a warmth through every nerve, almost healing him from within.

He can feel the moment she releases her worry and her pain. She tilts her head to receive his kisses, and her arms reach up to wrap around him. Her hands slide over his clothing, reaching down to lift the shirt from his trousers. Her fingertips touch the skin of his stomach, making him flinch and he reaches down, and lifts her body by the waist into the air, holding her in his arms, her feet dangling between his legs as he backs toward the bedroom. He moves faster, kissing her continuously, stopping only when he can feel the edge of the bed against the back of his legs. He allows her body to slide down his, until her feet touch the floor. His kiss grows stronger as she unbuttons his shirt and opens it, letting it hang at his sides so her hands can slide around his waist and pull him closer.

Her kiss becomes more forceful, and he knows she's giving in to her desire. He pulls back from the kiss, long enough to grab hold of the robe and pull it off of her body, letting it pool around her feet.  He leans back to look at her, in the soft light of the room, with a new hunger rising inside him.

He tugs at the bra strap, pulling it down to drop off her shoulder. His lips finding her skin so soft and warm. He drops back onto the bed, sitting in front of her as he brings her body closer to stand in between his legs. His fingertips climb up her back. He pulls her closer to him before peeling the bra down her, releasing her breasts. She drops her head toward him, her hair tangling around his hands as they slide over her bare skin and continue their path over her breasts. His lips press against her nipple, and her back arches, throwing her head back, as his fingers reach up to grip the back of her shoulders and her body aches toward him.

His tongue flicks over her nipple, making her gasp and he smiles as he looks up at her, watching her react to him. She leans forward and holds his head, tenderly, her fingers sliding through his soft hair. She stares down at him, watching intently as his tongue teases her nipple, circling it before his lips drag across her breast, leaving a trail of wet kisses, His hands slide down her back to hold her hips steady in front of him. He pulls back, to look down at her panties, so close to him. He decides instantly what to do. He stands quickly in front of her, making her almost lose her balance, as she stumbles back, he spins her around in his arms. He lays her back onto his large bed, and he follows her down to hover above her, his shirt draped around her body.

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