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Yoongi swallows hard, and his hand quickly drops from Luna's back. Luna turns fully toward Soo Ah, concerned with her reaction. The tears begin to fill her eyes as she stares hard at Yoongi, who looks more uncomfortable with each passing second. His back stiffens, and he looks down shamefully.

"Are you OK?" Luna asks, stepping closer to her. Soo Ah ignores her question. To her, there is no longer anyone else in this room; only Yoongi. He glances up at her, through heavy fringe, looking sheepish. The innocent look is infuriating to her, and her eyes rage with a fire he's never seen.

"How could you?" she whispers in an aching voice, cracking with the pain, before she turns away, rushing through the crowd of people, carelessly pushing them out of her way as she moves in an unbroken straight line toward the exit door.

She hears him call to her, but it's as though his voice is inside a tunnel, and she can only hear him moving farther away, growing more distant. She runs directly behind Jongdae, who is still standing waiting for her to come out of the ladies room, and she rushes through the doors to get away from this party.  She doesn't stop to think about where she is going and she steps out of the hotel, running across the same red carpet, in the opposite direction of everyone arriving. Several photographers snap her picture, more out of the novelty and curiosity than having an actual reason.

Once she reaches the street, she steps down into the road, and throws her arm up into the air to signal for a taxi, or honestly any car that will stop for her and take her away from this place. She keeps her arm raised high, and her eyes sealed shut as several limos and black cabs pull to the curb behind her to let people out, and then carry on driving around her. She turns quickly to see no one following her, but, she doesn't want to face any of the photographers who are now turned, staring at her.

She runs across the street, forcing the stop of some of the cars trying to pull away from the hotel, and their horns ring out. She begins to walk, in a direction she isn't even sure of, but it feels like it's going back to her hotel.  She wipes the tears from her eyes as she walks quickly, and she turns her face away from anyone on the street as she passes, but several people stop to stare at her. She doesn't want people to feel sorry for her, she doesn't want her pain to be on display. She wants to just lock herself away in a dark room where she can cry about how foolish she has been and what a joke she must be to him.

She turns and waves down a black cab as it comes around a corner, and it stops quickly. She leans down to the window as the driver lowers it, rushing through what to say in her mind.

"George Cinq?" she says, trying to communicate the hotel name to him. She holds up her hand with 5 fingers.

He nods and she grabs the door handle, getting inside, dragging the bottom of her dress in with her. The driver immediately pulls away from the curb and she feels a new flood of tears overwhelm her. She closes her eyes as he makes the short journey and avoids looking at the driver, knowing that he's watching her in the rearview mirror, curiously. The drive is only a matter of a few minutes, not enough time to calm her down. He pulls up in front of the hotel and she looks out, recognizing it's the same building she left only 30 minutes ago when her world felt hopeful and bright. She reaches for her phone to take out the only form of payment she has, his Black Card, and she reconsiders handing it over. She wipes the tear away with the back of her hand as she considers how she can use his own money to run away from him, it seems ridiculous to be in this position. She sits staring at the card, holding it as her hands begin to shake. The driver is turned watching her as her tears stream down her cheeks, and he frowns.

"No charge," he says in English, perhaps expecting she would understand him better. She looks up through her wet lashes and manages a brief smile, before she bows deeply and the door is opened for her by a member of the hotel staff.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Where stories live. Discover now