A Night Together

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He begins to laugh, a deep, raspy laugh and at that moment she realizes that she is not dreaming. Her eyes pop open and look up at him, as he tries to hide that he is laughing at her. She sees that her arms are around his neck. She panics, and drops her arms, awkwardly sitting up quickly, her face now drained of the hazy joy she had been feeling. He stands up, still smirking as he stares at her, noticing the pink glow of her skin. She tries to straighten her hair, and her clothing, unsure how long she could have been asleep.

"Oppa?! I-uh- I must have been dreaming," she offers, trying to stand up. She instantly feels  the heat of embarrassment spreading across her face.

"I guess you dream of me now," he laughs again, teasing her, and it only makes the pink turn a deeper shade of crimson. She walks away quickly, to hide from him, and she turns toward the table and the food set out.

"I ordered dinner. Because you said we'd have dinner. I-uh- I thought you'd come earlier," she explains, not turning to face him. He watches her curiously, smiling at embarrassing her. It's cute to see her so flustered.

She takes a deep breath, with her back to him, she closes her eyes, and chants to herself to get it together, and be calm again. She plants a smile on her face and she turns to face him, giving him a sweet smile, absent of her embarrassment, letting him know she's pleased to see him. He watches her closely, recognizing that she's back in character.

"I'm sorry it's gone cold, I can order something for you now," she continues. He walks up to the table, standing beside her as he looks over the food. He shakes his head.

"No, don't worry, I can eat the noodles. Sit down," he points to the chair closest to the one he's standing behind and she steps up and takes a seat at the table. He sits down beside her, pulling a dish closer to him. She watches him, wondering if he will explain where he's been. She picks up the Soju bottle nearby and opens it, pouring a glass for him as he begins to eat. He nods in thanks as he slurps the cold buckwheat noodles into his mouth.

"I didn't think I'd be hungry this late, but this looks good. Thank you for sending for the food." He takes down a shot of the Soju quickly, and he groans as the liquid goes down his throat, surprising her. She reaches for his glass to pour another.

"Did you have a hard day?" She wonders if it's the right thing to ask, but she senses something is weighing on him. He thinks for a moment as he finishes chewing.

"The usual." He grows quiet and stares at his plate thoughtfully.

He pauses too long and she notices. She stops pouring his drink and watches him. His face is empty of expression, but that's the same stare that she knows is filled with thoughts, but he isn't sharing them, and he isn't smiling. He seems bothered by something. She remembers the airport, in Seoul, and she wonders if arriving in London was just as difficult. Remembering the footage of his walk through the swarming crowd makes her instantly feel the need to connect to him, to comfort him and ease his worry.

She stands up and walks to his side of the table and he looks up at her surprised. She smiles at him, softly, as she reaches out to rub his back. He stares up at her in wonder but he doesn't move away. He remembers that she did this once before, and that time, she hugged him, to comfort him. It was in that moment he knew she wasn't playing a part, she was feeling a connection. He waits to see what she will do. She lowers down, crouching beside him so she can face him at his level.

"It's ok, you can tell me if something is bothering you. Or, if you don't want to talk, that's ok too," she says, continuing to rub her hand on his back.

He looks down at the position she's in and the genuine concern she seems to have and for a moment he thinks that she is really feeling this concern, again. She really does seem to care how he feels. He wants to thank her, and he doesn't want her to worry about him. He wants to reassure her that it will all be fine, but he doesn't know what to say. He blinks a few times as the corners of his mouth curl up. He smiles, a half smile, and he begins to nod his head to let her know that he understands.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin