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Yoongi paces quietly around his hotel suite, wide awake after the extremely frigid shower. He's wearing his same T-shirt and joggers. He didn't want to spend too much time in the bedroom looking for clothes in his still packed suitcase, and risk waking her up, even though he really wanted to crawl back into bed, curl up next to her, and sleep. He is torn between what he thinks his body needs, and what his head needs. His body needs sleep, even though his mind is telling him it's now daytime in Korea and he should be awake.   His body needs comfort, and release; a release of tension and stress and maybe frustration, but his head is telling him 'not this girl, it's too dangerous.' He shouldn't get himself stuck in a situation he can't get himself out of.

He knows that he has the entire day, with an empty schedule, to spend figuring out how to act normal around her again, and he's been pacing the floors for almost two hours trying to figure out what this all means. He came up with a perfectly reasonable explanation in the shower; that it's just thoughts out of his control, thoughts that could be about anyone, and not born of some deep longing for her in particular, but he's not entirely sure he believes that.

He makes another circuit around the suite's living room as he sips on the Americano he had sent up. He wonders if he shouldn't have had the dishes removed at the same time. He watched through the peep hole as the hotel staff member set the drinks tray with two Americanos outside the door and the tablet on the side table flashed with an alert that his requested room service items were ready. He waited for them to leave before he opened the door quietly, to bring them inside.

He doesn't usually worry about what hotel staff think of him ordering things late at night, or if they even think anything of it. Usually he has staff around to take care of some of this for him. He would ask Jongdae to be in the room so he doesn't have to meet anyone. He's not afraid of meeting people, but every single day on tour he meets new people outside of his room, and when he's inside his room, he just wants it to be his time to be with only the people he wants to be around, like Soo Ah.

He sits down at the keyboard of the piano and he sets the drink nearby, thinking about what he might play. He starts to touch some of the keys, listening for the sound of the piano, and whether or not it's been tuned properly. He's pleased to note that it has, but you can't always be sure the hotel pays close enough attention to this level of detail. Sometimes he asks for a room with a piano to have something to do, or to allow him to work out a tune in his head, but other times he asks just to check how thoroughly the hotel staff take their role, if the piano isn't maintained, what else might be amiss. BTS send security ahead to hotels for just this reason. When they travel now, as a group, they occupy several floors, and where it used to be the members all on one floor, and staff on other floors, now it's a few members on each floor, surrounded by their personal staff rooms, and no one else can be nearby. It's important to keep that level of privacy, particularly when you're in town for the better part of a week.

A tune comes to mind, and he smiles, thinking about how to arrange this for the piano. Originally, it's intended for many other instruments, but he wrote it first on guitar, and had spent weeks trying to find the right sound for the melody.  He begins to play softly, his new song. As he finds a slower tempo for the song, he smiles thinking about the title; 'girl with the pink hair.' He continues to play the song as he chuckles to himself wondering if he shouldn't just release it with that title and see what people say. It would definitely make Pdogg laugh, although he has his own name for the song. He gets lost in the melody as he plays, finding every note comfortably.

"What's that song?" He's startled by her voice and he turns to look over at her.

She walks towards him in her T-shirt and the thin shorts, rubbing her eyes. He swallows hard. He wasn't expecting to see her so soon and the sight of her reminds him of how he felt earlier, what he thought about earlier. He was asleep, he tells himself, it was a dream, even though she's wearing exactly what he pictured her wearing in the dream. He blinks hard at her, wondering how he could have known what she was wearing.  He looks away as she draws closer, and stares down at the keys avoiding her.

The Arrangement (BTS MYG x ofc, complete!)Where stories live. Discover now