The New Role

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Soo Ah sits on the city bus, at the back, clutching a small carry on bag. It's been a week since the meeting at HYBE where she signed all the documents relating to her new role. Soo Ah has been thinking about the arrangement almost non-stop ever since. She knows she can't tell anyone about the "role" and that also means she can't get anyone else's opinion. She can't even tell her agent, which might get her into trouble later, but he hasn't been getting her much work lately anyway. Maybe it's time to change agents.

She watches as the bus turns off a busy street and makes a climb up the hill toward a more residential area. It's almost dark, but she's afraid of being too early. Tonight is the night she must spend at Min Yoongi's apartment in Hannam the Hill. It will be the first time they have seen each other since they met at his office, and she looks down at the dress she chose, wondering if he will like it, or if he will take one look at her and instantly change his mind.

There is an escape clause in the contract, which allows either of them to end the agreement at any time if they don't feel it's working out. He could even have decided before tonight that this might be a crazy idea and he shouldn't go through with it. She could get to his door and find him not even at home. She pulls out a compact from her small purse and checks her makeup. She tried to use less make up tonight, and look more natural. She was very dressed up for the audition, and the call back, but if he isn't going to like the look of her without all of the flash and glitter, she would rather know now than 6,000 miles from home in a foreign country where she doesn't speak the language.

She closes the compact and catches the eye of the middle aged man sitting across from her, watching her. He smiles at her in that way she recognizes, that intense questioning look that means he's wondering if she might be interested in him. She looks away quickly and smiles privately. If he only knew that she was Min Yoongi's "girlfriend." The word makes her laugh out loud and she looks away embarrassed that the man would have heard her. She sees the street name as they pass and she realizes she needs to get off the bus, to walk to the private community entrance.

She stands quickly and alerts the driver to her stop. The man, and several older women sitting near the front, turn and look at her as she apologizes to the driver and pushes at the side door to get off the bus. She steps down onto the pavement and watches the bus drive off down the road, glowing with its interior fluorescent colored lighting. She looks around at the quiet neighborhood, with dark windows, high walls, and motionless cars. No one is out, even though it's only dinnertime. She takes a moment to get her direction and she begins to walk up the street toward an entry gate she can identify with a glowing green light.

As she gets closer to the gate, she sees the small guard shed, with one small light on, and a man inside in uniform watching something on his phone. He laughs at the screen, and his face fills with wrinkles. She clutches her bag closer to her body and she steps up to the small window on the pedestrian side of the shed. He notices the movement and looks up quickly, startled by her. He eyes her suspiciously before he slides the window open, looking her up and down. He seems to grunt a question to her, and she begins talking nervously.

"I'm Kim Soo Ah, I have an appointment." She slides a piece of paper towards him, which Yoongi gave her at their meeting. It contains his address and contact as well as the passcode for entry. The man looks down at the paper, studying it. He turns it over to see there is nothing else written on it and he looks her up and down one more time before his expression changes from grim suspicion to one of warm welcome.

"Pass through. The apartment is in the second building on your left. The doorman will access the elevator for you," he explains, as he swings the iron gate open, allowing her to step into the complex. She bows 'thank you' and walks toward the building he indicated. It's taller than she expected, and almost glows, it seems to have lights on at every level. She wonders if anyone else in BTS lives in this same building. She looks around at the similar buildings around her and wonders if any of them are looking out at her now. The doorman opens the outer door to allow her to pass through, and a security guard inside takes her piece of paper, studies her and the paper and then leads her to the elevator. If Yoongi had changed his mind, she imagines she wouldn't have gotten this far, so, she takes a deep breath and steps onto the elevator alone.

As the doors close her inside, and the lift begins to rise up to the top floor, she begins to get nervous. The idea of seeing him again, but, in character, is frightening. She isn't sure how this works when they are alone, that wasn't exactly clear in the contract. She knows she has to act like she loves and cares about him, and is attracted to him. That won't be that hard, he is very attractive and he's intelligent and flirty and witty. He seems like he will be a lot of fun to be around, even though he said he didn't make a very good boyfriend. The elevator comes to a stop, and she takes one last moment, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply before the doors open.

"Just don't fall for him for real Soo Ah," she says to herself as she steps off the elevator and to the only door visible to her in the long hallway. She looks down and sees a pile of shoes, all trainers, but all designer, by the front door. They're all men's shoes. She smiles and raises her hand to ring the bell. She listens for a moment to identify if she can hear anyone on the inside, and hears the sound of a lock being turned. She readies herself to meet him again, standing up straight and smiling softly. He opens the door, and smiles at her so warmly that she feels instantly welcome.

"Soo Ah, thank you for coming. I've planned dinner for us. I hope you're hungry," he says as he steps aside to make room for her to pass. She bows, still standing outside the door, and looks down at her feet and the mat with men's shoes, unsure if it's OK to walk into his home barefoot. He notices. "Oh, right, I nearly forgot." He reaches behind him to a small table and pulls out a cloth bag, handing it to her. "I got these for you."

She bows again, and takes the bag, opening it to reveal a velvet pair of house slippers with a Chanel logo on them. She smiles at him, pleased, and she takes off her heels, leaving them outside among his trainers as she puts on the soft slippers and steps past him.

"Thank you for inviting me, and for the slippers," she says as she passes by him. She notices his dark slacks and dress shirt and she wonders if he's been at an event tonight. "I brought some things, the things from your list," she explains. He turns and walks next to her down the long hallway, leading her deeper into the apartment.

"You can put those in my room." He stops at a door, and opens it for her. She stops walking and stares at him.

"Oh, your room, I - uh, I thought maybe you would put me in a guest room tonight," she stammers as she speaks, betraying her fear. He reaches out to take hold of her hand. She looks down at his long fingers as they stroke hers, sliding over her smooth skin very gently. Somehow, she feels reassured, and safe. She looks into his eyes, feeling a heated flush of pink to her cheeks and he chuckles at her.

"Start as we mean to go on...I'd like to you stay with me, so you get to know me better, and know my habits. It will make it easier when we are on the tour." She nods at him, pulling her hand away. It makes sense, as much sense as any of this can make. She smiles to let him know she understands. She steps into the room, looking over the size of it and the size of the bed. She swallows hard imagining that in a few short hours she'll be laying in that bed, next to him. She sets her bag down on a chair near the bed and turns to him.

"Your apartment is very nice. I'm looking forward to dinner." She bows at him again and he laughs at her formality. He shakes his head, reaching out his hand to take hers.

"Come on Babe, let's just have a few drinks and get to know each other better." He laughs as he says the words and she allows him to pull her along toward the rest of the apartment, and the promise of dinner. It is a sort of date, a first date, but, one unlike any she has ever had.

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