The First Night

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Yoongi steps out of his master bathroom, wearing a T-shirt and joggers. He's ready for bed and he feels the tension of the day, and the wine, weighing down on him. He knows he will sleep well tonight. He feels the exhaustion taking over, but, maybe he'll sleep just a bit better because he won't be alone. He looks up and is for a moment surprised to see Soo Ah sitting on a chair, clasping her small bag to her chest. She looks as though she's been waiting for him to emerge, but she looks small and nervous and he realizes this is going to be about as awkward as it gets. He's glad he had the wine to warm his stomach and take some of the nerves away from him, and hopes she can feel the same. He clears his throat before he speaks to her.

"You can use the bathroom now, to get dressed. I'm going to read for a little while, and wait for you," he tells her.

She nods her head as she stands, and bows to him before quickly rushing past him into the bathroom and closing the door. He hears it lock immediately and it makes him chuckle. The laugh takes the rest of the tension from him and he smiles to himself as he sits on 'his' side of the bed, and pulls a book from the nightstand. He lies back on top of the covers and tries to find a comfortable position. He shifts several times, trying to look casual, as though he isn't feeling the tension and awkwardness of this experience. He opens the book and scans the pages, trying to remember where he left off. He isn't really interested in reading, he's actually beginning to feel nervous. This is different from any previous situation because he doesn't usually have someone over, when he does it isn't to just fall asleep next to him, and it's rarely to spend the night.

He turns a few pages back to see if he can get the thread of what he's reading.  It's going to be strange, tonight, but it will get better. It should feel natural in time for them to leave on tour on Monday if she stays with him until then. 24 hours a day with her should give him some idea who she is, and what she's all about. Of course, he isn't trying to get to know her specifically, he reminds himself. He only needs to know the bare minimum so he can answer any questions that might come up, but, it's really her job to get to know him. She has to be keeping mental notes on what he likes and how he does things, what time he goes to bed and when he wakes up, what he likes to eat, to drink, when he just wants to be left alone, and when he needs to be held.

He grimaces at the last thought, thinking it makes him sound needy. There are probably a million ARMY who would gladly hold him and make him feel better if he asked. But that isn't really how the relationship with ARMY works. He gets love and feedback, but only virtually, from a distance, from a screen. He hears the cheers and sees faces in concert, but, he still has to go home alone and sit in a room and have no one but himself for company, and he can be pretty miserable company for himself sometimes. He frowns. Why would she even want to do this?

What kind of girl would agree to just give him what he needs, and disappear into the background when he doesn't need her? It's strange of him to have even asked her to do this but it's downright ridiculous that she agreed to it. He closes the book, realizing he's not going to pay attention to anything in it tonight. He looks down at his legs in the joggers, and his bare feet. He wiggles his toes and wonders if she will mind that his feet are cold.

Just then the noise of the door unlocking disturbs him from his thoughts and he sits up a little, but realizing that makes him look too anxious, he lies back, and tries to look as though he's not been lying there struggling with his thoughts. The door opens, slowly, and he watches it long enough to see her shape peek through the crack. He is able to see a deep saturated blue from her change in clothing, and then the light turns off preventing him from seeing more of her. He looks away to allow her privacy to come to bed, but as she rushes into the room, quickly lifting the covers on the other side of the bed, and climbs in, he can't help but wonder what she's wearing.

Once she settles down in the covers, he looks over at her. The sight of just her small face peeking out at him, from the protection of his fluffy duvet is disarming and he laughs. She looks up at him worried. He rolls over towards her and smiles at her exaggerated modesty.

"Have you never slept with someone before?" he asks, knowing that she must not have. She looks at him and feigns shock.

"Of course I have, I'm 27 not 12!" He continues to laugh thinking that she's barely fooling herself. He lifts the covers over himself and he settles down next to her, making sure his face is at the same level. He stares at her, looking into her eyes, wondering why he didn't notice the hint of green in their deep brown color before now.

"I don't mean sex, I mean, this, companionship, being together. It's ok if you haven't." He seems to shrug as though he's already convinced he's right. He shifts his body just a little closer. She looks into his eyes to try to understand what he's thinking, what he's expecting.

"And, you really don't expect anything more than that?" Her voice is small and timid. He reaches his hand up and moves the duvet off the top of her head, revealing her pink hair. He looks at it, and almost unconscious of his actions, he slides his hand over her hair, feeling how soft and silky it is, just as he'd imagined it would be.

"No," he says, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of her hair as he strokes it. "This is enough," he tells her as his voice grows softer. The pillow top duvet is cool against his skin, and he allows himself to settle deeper into it. It almost envelops him, like a cloud. He yawns as he lies across from her, letting his fingers slide from her hair, to her cheek, and falling onto the covers beneath her chin as he drifts off.

She stares at him, his eyes are closed and he seems to be breathing differently. She wonders if he could have really fallen asleep that quickly. She studies his face, almost expecting his eyes to pop open and catch her, but as his breathing deepens, she knows he is asleep. Her eyes follow the curve of his cheek down to his chin, and she notices his lips are parted just a little, in almost a pout. She  is so close to him that she can see small moles on his face, and one on his cheek, and it makes her smile. She's seen his face thousands of times; greeting her from music videos, and from the red carpet of awards shows, from billboards and on products in the shop, but she's never noticed these.  They aren't imperfections, but they make him seem-real. It feels private and special and she feels a little less awkward being this close to him.

He shifts his body, settling in a little deeper and the covers come off his head. She can see a small mark on his ear, it looks like a scar and she wonders what might have caused it. She reaches up to touch his ear, without even realizing what she's doing. She runs the tip of her finger over the curve of his ear as she studies it. He moves his head toward her hand, nuzzling against it, forcing her hand to cup his cheek. She holds his face as she stares at him. She's almost holding her breath wondering if he will be upset if he wakes. He shifts again, and she pulls her hand back quickly, but this time, his hand reaches out, under the blanket, and slides over her waist. She holds her breath again, afraid to disturb him, unsure what he's going to do, but also, wanting to find out. His arm wraps around her and his hand pulls her body closer to him. She can feel the heat increase as he presses close to her and she feels his hand on the back of her oversized T-shirt, pulling her to him.

He is so calm and quiet, sleeping so peacefully, as though all his cares and worries are far away. She lies beside him, feeling her heart racing at being so close. She knows he's really asleep, and she has all the time to stare at him and wonder at him, to be amazed that he is now in her life. It seems unbelievable, that she is allowed to be this close to him, and that she was brave enough, or at least she could act brave enough, to say 'yes' to this arrangement. She moves a little closer still, knowing that even if he was awake, this is what he told her he needed, and he wouldn't be shocked, wouldn't be upset.

The feeling of his body, connected to her, is somehow so comforting that she allows herself to relax in his embrace. She breathes deeper, and closes her eyes. She lies still for several more minutes before she raises her hand, sliding her fingers through his hair, and she rolls over onto her back as she pulls his head down closer, to rest against her chest. His soft breath slowly warms her skin under the t-shirt. She pulls him tighter against her body, cradling his head in her arms, and she drifts off to sleep.

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