What Dreams May Come (18+)

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(A/N: Please be aware, when a chapter lists 18+ in the title, it has adult, graphic descriptions and actions. Chapters can be skipped if you don't want to read that. X)

She enters the code to the room, smiling and bowing a 'goodbye' to Jongdae who seems to be watching the hallway, still on alert. She quickly steps inside, closing the door as quietly as she can. The light is on in the bedroom and she pulls her robe closed around her tighter and walks toward the light. When she enters the room, she can see that he's already under the fluffy comforter. She looks around for the light-switch and realizes it's on his side of the bed. She steps around to his side to reach for the lamp and she sees that he's lying peacefully with his eyes closed.

"Jagiya," she whispers. He makes no movement. She smiles, realizing that whatever she worried about happening or not happening, is not happening tonight.

She turns off the light and quietly steps around to her side of the bed. She leaves her robe on the chair and climbs in, pulling the covers over her, as she nestles down beside him. He mumbles something, indecipherable, and she listens closely. He groans a little, and she thinks he might be dreaming already. His sleep cycle must be as mixed up as hers. She moves closer to him, to wrap herself around his body, feeling his joggers, and feeling his T-shirt as she puts her arm over his waist. He's wearing what he always wears, so he probably expected nothing more than a little closeness. She presses herself against his back to cradle him as best she can.

She lies still, listening for him, wondering what he's thinking about.  His body jerks quickly, startling her. He groans again, a quick, sharp noise. She understands now that he's probably having a bad dream. It's not a deep, long lasting dream that might be considered a nightmare, but one of those dreams you have soon after falling asleep, which is mostly day residue of stress or worry. She pulls his body closer to hers, and she leans up and kisses the back of his neck just below his ear, leaving her lips in place for several seconds in an attempt to comfort him.

He mumbles something again, and his body shifts to the side. Then he surprises her by turning over quickly to face her, his eyes still closed. She looks at his face and the grimace spread across it, his eyes almost pinched shut. She knows he's still sleeping, but he's not restful. She reaches up and slides her hand over his head, feeling his soft hair and the warmth of his skin. His furrowed brow relaxes at her touch, and she's pleased she can offer some comfort.

He reaches his arms out and wraps them around her body, pulling her close to him, pressing her hard against him and she pulls her face back a little, unsure how to lie in this position with him. His eyes are closed but his face seems more relaxed than before. She lays her arm over him again, wrapping it around his back and she closes her eyes to rest. She feels as though she might fall asleep soon and she allows herself to sink into his embrace. His hand slides down her back and over her behind, cupping it. Her eyes pop open as his hand takes hold of her leg and hikes it up over his hip, wrapping her leg over his body.

It's a surprising position to find herself in now that she knows he's asleep, and, she's trying to fight an urge to make this seem like more than what it is. She pulls back a little to move her body apart from his but he immediately pulls her closer, perhaps even closer than before. He lowers his head down and lays it against her chest. She smiles realizing she is stuck like this for the foreseeable future, and she wraps her arms around his head and holds him close. She closes her eyes to let herself drift off, feeling happy that this day is over, that the struggle is over, and that they're together again.


Yoongi shifts in his sleep, feeling a warm presence beside him. He slides his hand over bare skin, feeling how soft and smooth it is. He traces the line of her leg, long and lean, draped over him. His hand slides up her leg, until his fingertips reach the fabric of her shorts, and he allows himself to slide his hand over fabric, and feel the cheek of her bottom. He can tell from the feel of the fabric that she has no underwear on, making her thin shorts, the only barrier between them.

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