The Meeting

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The next afternoon, Yoongi sits in his office, room 1730, at a meeting table. He's reading through a stack of papers he had drawn up the previous afternoon with HYBE's lawyers, and he's smiling. For the first time in a long time he's smiling at a plan that makes perfect sense to him. It would sound a little bizarre to anyone else, but, he's almost positive he can explain it to her in a way that makes sense. But first, he has to get her to sign these documents. He frowns at how many papers are involved. It shouldn't take this long to make an agreement; an arrangement, one that is beneficial to both parties.

He is annoyed at the jargon, it feels awkward and cold, but, it's necessary. He checks his watch and he knows she must be on her way back to HYBE. He does feel a little guilty. She will have been excited after getting a call back and maybe think she's one step closer to a small role in a major drama that might end up being very popular. She might have wondered what to wear to a second audition and what monologue to prepare. She might have told her friends she got a call back and might get the part. She was never going to get that part because she looks too... unique?

He frowns wondering what exactly it was the dismissive men used to reject her. Her beautiful face and strong read of the script weren't enough to sway them, they couldn't see past the pink hair. That pink hair made the little girl in the elevator think she was an idol. He smiles again as he remembers listening in on their conversation. She definitely recognized him when she got off the elevator. She absolutely recognized him when she came into the room to audition. He smiles broader remembering how she boldly sang one of his songs directly to him. That would have intimidated nearly any singer, let alone a young actress at an audition for a small part.

His thoughts are disturbed when he hears a knock at the door behind him. He checks his watch and realizes it can only be her, right on time. He stands, pushing the papers aside, and he straightens his shoulders, holding his head up high as he walks to the door. Today he wears no mask, no hat. He's not trying to hide who he is. Today he's going to be open and honest, and he hopes she will appreciate it.

He can see the slight figure of her standing on the other side of the frosted glass door and he puts on a warm, welcoming face as he pulls the door open to greet her. She looks up at him, surprised, and looks behind him, as though she expects to see other people who are not there. He tries to smile warmly at her as he pulls the door open farther.

"I- I'm Kim Soo Ah, I came for a call back audition, but-" She looks around the office and back at Yoongi. "I must have gotten the wrong office number." She looks down at her phone to check the details on the screen and he uses the time to look her over. She's wearing a black form fitting dress, with the side of her waist revealed by a cut out in the fabric. She has on flat shoes and her hair is just as silky and baby pink as it was the previous day. She looks up at him confused when she realizes the office door he's holding open has the same number as her information. He smiles and steps aside.

"Come in," he says, very casually. She slowly steps into the room, eyeing him suspiciously. He motions for her to take a seat at the table but she stops and stares at him, frowning.

"Is this some sort of set up? Are there hidden cameras in here?" She asks as she looks around the room, scanning it quickly. He laughs and takes a seat near the stack of papers.

"No, I asked you to come for a call back audition," he explains, motioning again for her to take a seat across from him. She continues to study him, unsure, but she slowly lowers herself down into the chair across from him, dropping her bag to the side. She leans back in the chair, and waits for him to explain. When he just stares at her smiling, she shakes her head.

"So, are you a producer on the program?" she questions. He smiles at the idea and shakes his head.

"No, but I do have a role I think you would do well in," he suggests. She arches her eyebrow at him and leans in a little closer.

"So you asked me here to discuss a role?" she questions. He nods, confidently. She looks down at the stack of papers near him.

"Is that the script?" She reaches a hand towards it and he shakes his head, stopping her.

"Before I talk to you about the role, you need to sign this Non Disclosure Agreement." He takes the stack and turns it over, shuffling the papers.

"An NDA? That's fine, I sometimes get those with scripts." She takes the papers and looks over the first page as though it's nothing special. He smiles awkwardly, understanding more than she does what reason he has for the NDA. She looks up at him and notices his expression.  "It's really OK, I'm happy to sign. I understand this role might offer more attention, since you are who you are," she says, unimpressed. He makes a face, realizing that she understands enough of why he is asking for this. He nods, appreciating her acceptance and he watches as she turns over each page, signing exactly where she needs to.

He watches her, noting her small hands, and her well manicured pink polish. Her lashes are so full and dark he wonders if they're fake. He notices she wears a dangling necklace, with a locket at the end, decorated with a floral engraving. He wonders if it's the sort of locket that keeps pictures inside, of loved ones, people she wants to hold close to her heart. She glances up at him, catching him staring at the locket and he awkwardly looks away, clearing his throat to show his discomfort at being caught staring at her. She smiles and returns to the papers.

As she gets through the stack, she looks around the room, realizing this is his personal space, and these are his things. He seems nervous to her and she hopes she hasn't done anything to make him regret asking her here.

"Is there, anyone else coming for a call back today?" she asks, as if she's reading his thoughts. He glances at her quickly, a heat of pink flushing his skin. He shifts in his chair, uncomfortably.

"No," he says, marking how the words strike her. She smiles, almost a smirk and she nods. She leans across the table, drawing his attention as she moves closer to him. She speaks softly.

"Well Mr. Min Yoongi, perhaps now you can tell me about this role you want me to play." She bites her full lip as her eyes meet his, and he is sure somehow she knows. "Or maybe there isn't a role at all?" she suggests, making him blush harder. He steels his nerve and focuses on the task.

"I want to hire you, I mean you will be paid. It is a job," he reassures her. She sits back in the chair waiting for him to continue. "Do you have a valid passport Miss Kim?" He smiles at her. She considers carefully before she answers.

"I do, yes."

"Do you, perhaps, have any attachments that would inhibit your ability to travel?" He uses the term the lawyer told him to use but the words awkwardly stumble out of his mouth. She laughs.

"Are you asking if I have a boyfriend?" He looks up quickly, trying to read her reaction through her eyes. She shakes her head. "There is nothing preventing me from traveling wherever I need to, for as long as I need to," she says, matter of factly. He smiles, relieved. The long pause between them makes her begin to feel anxious. She wants to get to the bottom of this mystery. She leans her body in closer to him and smiles as she meets his gaze. "Are you asking me out?"

He bites his lip, wondering how to continue. He wants to explain his plan without scaring her off but it isn't as simple as she might be expecting.

"Not exactly Miss Kim." He smiles, and as she studies him curiously, he laughs, a deep raspy laugh that catches her off guard.

"Intriguing," she says, watching his every move closely. "I guess you should drop the formality and call me Soo Ah." He smiles at her, feeling ready to tell her his plan.

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