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Yeji is currently cuddling with Yujin. Though they haven't done anything sexual, Yujin can make her feel less lonely.

"Yeji..." Yujin slips her hand inside Yeji's shirt, intending to arouse her. so far, Yeji only wants to roleplay with her. it's really hard for her to get the jackpot.

"hm?" Yeji turns around, facing Yujin. "do you wanna play?"

"yes, please." Yujin tops her in a hurry, kissing her lips and down to her neck.

Yeji is not in the mood actually. things are getting boring and Yujin starts to get more and more attached to her. this is no longer a booty call to have some fun. Yujin wants something more and Yeji is aware of that.

"I wanna do it. I've been holding back for too long." Yujin looks into her eyes. "what's holding you back? we've been sleeping together as well."

"I don't like commitment, Yujin. I don't wanna feel guilty, giving it up to some stranger." Yeji explained with a lie.

"stranger, you say?" Yujin scoffed. "I'll show you what I do to strangers."

Yujin aggressively devours Yeji's lips, giving love bites to the girl. her hands roams around Yeji's body, harshly kneading her breast. Not gonna lie, Yeji enjoys this kind of actions. Yujin managed to make Yeji makes sounds.

"you like that better? Do you like it when it hurts?" Yujin somehow sounds angry.

So far, this is enjoyable for Yeji. The two starts taking off their clothes, except their panties and boxers. Yujin runs her hand down to Yeji's front.

"Yujin." Yeji grabs on Yujin's shoulder. "stop."

Yujin doesn't care. She slides her hand in, looking for her sensitive bud. She then starts circling it slowly.

"your body wants it. Give up, Yeji. Trust me." Yujin lubricates the girl with her own juices that's leaking.

"stop, Yujin." Yeji starts to get uncomfortable. She tries to move away but Yujin is pinning her on the bed. "Yujin!"

"you're so noisy." Yujin huffs. "you have to give it a try." Yujin slides in two fingers inside Yeji, earning a loud moan from her. "you're wet enough."

"Yujin." Yeji's eyes starts to water. This is her last straw. "please...."

Yujin finally looks at her. realizing that Yeji is crying, she pulls out gently, and gets off of her.

"that's what I do to strangers." Yujin grabs her clothes, putting them back on. "just to let you know, they're mostly drunk."

Yeji immediately hides her body under her blanket, refusing to look at Yujin.

"you're a good girl, you know that? thank you for your time." Yujin said while taking all her stuff and getting out of the room.

Yeji can't hold back her tears. She can't believe what just happened to her. being assaulted by a girl is something she never thought of before. That's why she wanted to go a little further with girls. Now everything is ruined. Yeji lost her value and she can no longer play around.


Ryujin is looking at her cars in the garage. Winter is alone this time, saying that her girlfriend is busy.

"the mechanics will come in two hours. what car do you think I should improve?" Ryujin asked, thinking herself.

"since you like Chevrolet a lot, you should focus on that."

"yes, but I wanna try my Dodge. I can win with that." Ryujin shrugs.

"agree." Winter nods. "since Karina is busy, can I join you to bar tonight?"

"you're always welcome. I don't mind."

"I can finally have my time. I miss being single." Winter jokes around.

"then be single forever." Ryujin chuckles. "I'll make sure we have fun tonight."


Ryujin and Winter walks in to the bar, Ryujin assured her that Winter can do anything tonight. tonight, is girls' night so they can explore more.

"it doesn't feel right." Winter said as she checks out the girls that are dancing.

"you can have some fun your way. You're responsible for your own act. I'm just giving you my support." Ryujin pours themselves some drinks.

"yeah.. I just feel guilty." Winter takes a shot with Ryujin.

"believe me, when you get this inside you, you'll forget everything." Ryujin leans back, enjoying the moment. "so, it's not necessarily cheating."

"you'll cover me, right?"

"why are you so scared? Just enjoy the night, I'll be here, get some girls, and you'll be fine."

Ryujin can see that Winter is about to do something. Turns out, she's doing Ryujin's trick that she showed her a few weeks ago. On the other hand, Ryujin is waiting for someone else. The girl that she used to call Lucy, now Yeji.

Things are getting boring, Ryujin emptied one and a half of whiskey, and the girl haven't showed up. she's basically Winter's babysitter at this point.

"fuck it." Ryujin got bored. She decided to join everyone on the dancefloor.

Ryujin tries to enjoy the drinks, the dance, the music, but, things are getting dull. Usually, she can easily take one girl and leave. This time, there's no challenge, temptation, or someone to mess around. These girls that's dancing with her are already thirsty. Ryujin can just grab one home right now.

Ryujin walks back to her table, drinking some more. Looks like Yeji won't come tonight. Ryujin noticed that Winter is stuck to a girl. well, Ryujin can just keep an eye on her friend while she finishes off the drinks.

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