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Ryujin haven't heard from Yeji for a few days. She's actually questioning why, but, on the other hand, she's still careless about her. the only thing she cares about Yeji is her body and attention.

"Miss Shin." Chaeryeong called, coming out from her office. "I've received a mail from Ms. Hwang. I think you need to read it."

Ryujin lazily opens up his mails and reads the most recent one from Yeji's company.

"huh?" Ryujin closed the mail and scrolls down, looking for other mails from her. "is there any reason for her to end the contract?"

"I haven't got anything besides that." Chaeryeong checks her tablet. "and based on what I read from the contract, it'll end in two months. I think she wants to end it earlier. Most likely, she found some other companies to invest on hers."

"what's wrong with her?" Ryujin grabs her phone and calls her company's number.

"good afternoon. I'm Kim Minju. How can I help you today?"

"where's Yeji?" Ryujin taps her fingers on the table. There's a slight pause before Minju replies.

"I'm sorry, she's not available right now. may I ask for your name? I will report to Ms. Hwang about this call."

"I wanna talk to her."

"I'm really sorry, Miss- put this call on speaker." Ryujin cut her off. "she's there right? I know she's there."

"it's already on speaker, Miss."

"hi, Yeji. Where were you? why did you leave without telling me? now you're just ignoring me. did I do something wrong? If I did, let me make it up to you. I'll pick you up today, okay? see ya."

Then the call ended with beeps. Ryujin stares at the phone confusedly.

"Chae..." Ryujin called. "did I do something the day she left?"

"she only texted me at about one am...?maybe one thirty." Chaeryeong checks her phone for Yeji's texts. "she said, 'I will leave now. Ryujin took too long and I changed my mind.' And that's it."

"what time did you read that?"

"this morning, right after I wake up."

Ryujin recalls what she did last night. She had a drink, passed out, then in the morning, she wakes up on the couch with a girl. she doesn't know what time she got home, though.

"did you know when I came home?" Ryujin asked, not looking at her.

"no. I was already asleep."



Ryujin waits for Yeji at the lobby of Yeji's company. she constantly checks the time on her phone while bouncing her leg rapidly. She doesn't know why she's so nervous to see her. maybe because she expects an angry Yeji and they might make a scene in this company. she can't stand to be embarrassed in front of many people.

Since she's sitting facing the direction of the elevator, she can see who comes and goes from where she's at. Just then, a familiar figure walks out of the elevator. Ryujin stands up to greet Yeji who's walking towards her, or that's what she thought.

"Yeji." Ryujin called, grabbing her wrist gently pulling her.

Yeji snatches her hand immediately then turns her head towards Ryujin.

"'why didn't you tell me before you go? You ignored my messages too. then, you end our contract? What happened to you?" Ryujin said with her sweet alluring voice.

"I have nothing to say to you." Yeji walks away but Ryujin grabs her again. "don't touch me or I'll call security."

"okay, I won't touch you. I wanna know what happened. Why don't you just tell me what's wrong? Then, I'll leave."

"you should look in the mirror and ask yourself that." Yeji cynically said.

"what now? you're the one that leave without saying a thing. What's wrong with you?"

"no. what's wrong with YOU? you and your little pussy filled brain, your lonely ass soul, and your obsession with violence and pride. That's what's wrong, Ryujin. Even though you have a dick doesn't mean you have to act like it." Yeji realized her voice got louder gradually. People are looking at them, whispering here and there.

"you're making a scene." Ryujin is back with her cold manner. "goodbye."


Yeji is on a call with Karina. She told her the whole thing that happened at the company.

"you should see her face, Karina. It was fucking scary! What if she came here and kill me?!" Yeji panicked, pacing around her living room.

"why did you think like that? is she really that bad?"

"yes! that was the coldest she's ever been with me." Yeji paused. "maybe because I feel guilty. So, I'm afraid that I made her mad."

"if what you said is true, you don't need to be. For safety reason, do you want Winter to accompany you?"

"that's too much. Thank you, though." Yeji finally sits down.

"don't worry. she won't do anything to you."

"I hope so." Yeji remembers how Ryujin can be so violent towards someone who hurt her or just offend her.

"do you want to sleep-call? In case something happened."

"don't scare me like that." Yeji sighs. "I'm just gonna watch something to distract myself."

"don't sleep too late. I'll see you tomorrow."

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