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It's finally time for Ryujin to fully takes off her cast. She's pretty excited about it. like the last time, Yeji is here to accompany her.

"I still need to hire a therapist." Ryujin sighs. "how long does it takes for me to go back to normal?" she asked the doctor.

"with the therapist it shouldn't take too long. Most of my patients does the therapy themselves, but, for you, it should take less than two months."

"that's still too long." Ryujin whined.

"then I'll give you some vitamins for your bones. You need to be consistent with your therapy as well." The doctor kindly replies. "you will survive this. good luck." He then leaves them.

"what a relieve." Ryujin rubs her leg and arm and starts to move them around gently.

"I think you shouldn't use that leg yet. Do you want to use a wheelchair?" Yeji offered.

"I'm not a granny." Ryujin scoffed. "this crutch is still useful."

"alright, whatever you say."


Ryujin starts the therapy the next day. Yeji helps her along the way, also, learning about the therapy.

"you can stop for a while if it hurts." The therapist informed. "honestly, the goal of this therapy is to help you adjust to use your leg and arm again. Since you've had minor injuries on your bones, I'm sure you can heal in a little more than a month."

"glad to hear that." Ryujin smiles at him.

"your girlfriend can help you with the therapy. I'll come back tomorrow, same time."

The two girls are stuck in an awkward tension. Ryujin smiles at the therapist as she sits down to rest. Once he leave, Yeji sits beside Ryujin on the couch.

"he's hilarious." Ryujin stifles a laugh. "you're not offended, right?"

"about what?" Yeji asked as she turns on the TV.

"nevermind. My arm feels weird." Ryujin said, moving her arm and fingers. "you'll help me, right?"

"of course." Yeji casually replied. "I'll tell Chaeryeong to help you when I couldn't."

"when is that? I thought you're staying." Ryujin looks at her, confused.

"I am. I need to go back to work too."

"oh. right." Ryujin averted her gaze at the TV screen. "okay."


Yeji is still at work. Though her body seems to be present, her mind wanders somewhere else. Her worries about Ryujin are bothering her. with that, she quickly finishes her work, focusing on it.

After some time, Yeji takes a break. It's considered late to finish at this hour so she takes her time to call Chaeryeong instead of Ryujin.

"hey. How's she? Have you done the stretching?" Yeji asked.

"yep. She's resting right now."

"okay. I'll be there soon. Don't forget to give her the vitamins and moisturizers." Yeji reminded as she gathers her stuff.

"sure. I already give her the vitamins. She's still playing with Yujin. Maybe you can take care of the lotion."

"alright. Thank you. see you." Yeji hangs up the call.


Ryujin is still glued to her phone. she's used to this now. wake up, eat, free time, eat again, and sleep. though it's pretty boring, Ryujin tries to enjoy the process. Especially when Yeji and Chaeryeong are taking care of her, which is a good thing.

"Shin Ryujin!" Yeji's voice greeted Ryujin.

"I'm here." Ryujin responded from the dining area.

Yeji walks towards the room, finding Ryujin playing with her phone while eating her dinner.

"finish your food. I'll moisturize your arm and leg after this." Yeji takes off her coat. "I'm gonna take a shower first."

"you're not gonna eat first? I can apply it myself."

"I'll eat later." Yeji said as she checks her phone. "where's Chaeryeong, by the way?"

"she's looking for an apartment." Ryujin sounds a bit sad. "she left ten minutes ago."

"oh. good for her" Yeji smiles a little. "then, you'll be alone again."

"doesn't matter." Ryujin smiles back but it's more of a sad smile. "just eat first. Since you're here." She then stands up and walks towards her bedroom.

After she finished her meal, Yeji goes to Ryujin's room. she notices Ryujin doing some stretching on her arm.

"getting better?" Yeji asked as she picks out some clothes.

"much better." Ryujin looks at her.

"good." Yeji smiles at her then casually takes off her clothes, throwing them in the laundry basket before going into the bathroom.

Ryujin almost chokes on her own saliva. She didn't think that Yeji would be that comfortable around her. regardless, Ryujin's brain has another thought. She sees this as a bait from Yeji, for her to join her in the shower.

"if only my leg can work properly." Ryujin groans. In result, she can only watch Yeji from the glass wall.

Ryujin keeps her eyes on Yeji while enjoying her wine. She checks her phone once in a while to make it less obvious that she's staring. Then, the two catch each other's eyes. Ryujin quickly looks away, not wanting to make Yeji uncomfortable.

"were you looking at me... taking a shower?" Yeji gets out of the bathroom after her shower.

"since you already knew... yes, I was." Ryujin shrugs, looking at her phone.

"don't ask for anything. I don't wanna be dirty again." Yeji said as she dries her hair.

"damn. I was about to ask." Ryujin sits up, facing the opposite direction. She then takes out her boner and starts stroking it.

Yeji can see her from the vanity mirror. She watches Ryujin pleasing herself, making soft sounds. After drying her hair, Yeji gets on the bed and crawls towards Ryujin. She snakes her hand from behind, reaching for her softened shaft.

"I came already." Ryujin pants.

"oh, really? You're quiet." Yeji smirks. she then plants some kisses along her neck. As Ryujin tilts her head, the grip on Ryujin's shaft becomes slightly tighter.

"ah, shit." Ryujin looks down.

"I don't mind if you wanna let it out. scream if you need to." Yeji whispered into her ear.

"you wait till I recovered. Let's see who screams the loudest."

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