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Yeji is glad that nothing happened last night. Today, Yeji waits for Karina at a café. Since there's a big chance that she'll meet Ryujin at the bar, they hang out a little early in the evening at a café.

"hey, how's it?" Karina hurriedly sits down. "did she contact you?"

"okay, calm down. nothing happened." Yeji pressed a smile.

"thank god." Karina sighs in relieve. "I was worried."

"did Winter said something?"

"she only said that Shin will do anything for revenge. You should be careful."

"I am being careful." Yeji cups her face. "do you think I'm wrong for saying those things to her?"

"you blew up, didn't you? if I were her, I would be so embarrassed. people are looking as well." Karina responded. "hm... I still think that you're not fully right. she's an ass though. No doubt. I mean, after what you did to her, she did that. that's unfair."

"I'm not asking for much from her. I just think that she can be nice. That's all."


Ryujin is sitting on a bench at a park. Not alone whatsoever. She's on a call with Yujin.

"I don't know, girls are weird, dude!" Ryujin poured her heart out.

"you're the one that's weird."

"don't be an asshole. I'm not wrong for choosing to not have a relationship with anyone." Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"I know. but can you respect her? she's been thee for you when you're sick. How can you just... go to the bar, drink, and sleep with someone else."

"so you're saying I should sleep with her?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow.

"dude." A disappointment in Yujin's voice can be felt. "are you dumb? Girls doesn't care if you can sleep with them or not unless they approached you first. Be grateful for her."

"I'm grateful enough that I'm alive." Ryujin chuckles.

"why are you talking to me when you don't even want to listen to me?"

"because I need someone to talk to. I'm here alone at a park." Ryujin sighs.

"then, talk about something else."

"but what she said keeps ringing in my head. I can't get it the fuck out!" Ryujin frustratingly said.

"then, listen!" Yujin groans. "don't be so stubborn!"

"alright, Alright. So, I need to apologize to her?" Ryujin scratches her head.

"of course, dumbass."

In the middle of her conversation, suddenly, a small soccer ball hits her leg. Ryujin looks around and found a little boy and a woman running around.

"wait, I'll call you back later." Ryujin hangs up the call and jogs towards the little boy. "hey, boy." She leans down and the boy hugs her legs for support.


Ryujin looks up with a small smile.

"hi, Julia. Long time no see." Ryujin takes Joshua's hand, guiding her back to his mother. "he's a big boy."

"I know. he's an active kid." Julia chuckles. "how's life going?" The three walks towards the bench where Ryujin sits earlier.

"not much, really. How about you?"

"aside from working, taking care of him." Julia looks at Joshua who's playing with his ball.

"mama..." Joshua raised both of his arms, asking Julia to pick him up.

"kinda sad that he doesn't know me." Ryujin stifles a laugh. "good to know he grows up well." She ruffles his hair, earning a laugh from the little kid.

"you can get to know each other again." Julia shrugs. "wanna play with him?" she stands up.

"where are you going?" Ryujin looks up.

"I need to pee really bad. I've been holding it in." Julia let out an awkward laugh. "just one moment. I'll buy you something. I'm gonna go to that café."

"okay." Ryujin then looks at the boy sitting on her lap. "you can't talk."

Joshua smiles at Ryujin, his hands reaching for Ryujin's face. Thinking that the boy likes her, Ryujin feels happy.

"see? you like me. I'm not a bad person."

With that, Ryujin plays with him. she spends about ten to fifteen minutes of playing with him but she's already tired.

"come here, boy!" Ryujin said, panting. Joshua toddles towards. Alas, the little boy falls forward. "oh, shit." She runs towards him, immediately picks him up. "please don't cry. Your mom is gonna kill me."

Ryujin quickly goes to the café with the boy clinging on her. once inside, she looks for Julia around the place.

"he fell." Ryujin approached Julia who's picking some bread.

"it's alright." Julia caresses Joshua's head. "did you hurt yourself?"

Instead of answering, Joshua starts crying again. Ryujin moves her head away from Joshua. Thankfully it's not that annoying cry that babies usually have.

"boys don't cry, Josh." Ryujin pulls him in into an embracing hug. "you're alright." She takes a look at Julia.

"I didn't know you're good with children." Julia said after Joshua's cries died down. "I'll pay these first."

Ryujin is already tired. She sits down at a table to rest herself and calms Joshua down. on the corner of her eyes, she noticed two familiar girls. No single doubt that they're Yeji and Karina. She quickly looks away.

"here are yours. Since you really love coffee." Julia placed a paper bag and a cup of coffee on the table.

"thanks." Ryujin said as she stands up and let Julia hold her son back. "I think I might miss him. I wish he had a father."

"you're still the same." Julia sighs while smiling a little. "I'll see you around."

Ryujin watches them leave. Then, her eyes goes to the two girls again. Meanwhile, the two girls are talking about her secretly.

"I'm so scared right now." Yeji holds Karina's hand.

"let's pretend we're having fun." Karina then starts laughing lightly. "it's alright. She's leaving."

"I feel like I'm going insane." Yeji said between her fake laugh.

"okay, she's out." Karina informed then stops laughing.

"that's kinda awkward." Yeji sighs. "I think that's the woman that accused her."

"yeah, but Shin seems to be close with them."

"I never think that she could like a baby, let alone a child." Yeji commented.

"you never know what happened to her."

WIN (RYEJI AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora